Why We Should Follow Good Habits

Do you sleep early and wake up early? Do you follow good habits? How frequent you read books or articles? Some people will say yes and majority of them will say no because this is something which is asked out of the syllabus. Some people forcibly try to sleep late at night and then complain about the lack of sleep they get due to work all around.

They will try to sleep in the middle of the work and long boring lectures. It feels too good to sleep in the morning than in the night, right? So what do you do during the night time? Do you play games or read books? Do you make time for recreation or watch explicit content on your device? Hey! Please don’t be ashamed I am not only talking about you but it is a serious issue with everyone.

A lot of people say that humans require eight hours of sleep daily. But it is actually a myth because some people might require less than eight hours or even more. So why does this happen? Why some people feel sleepy even after having ten hours of sleep? So the major reason behind this is because of habit.

I know you might feel confused but dude trust me whatever is happening with you focuses more on habits you adapt. There is a lot of saying that habit creates results and yes it is true but most importantly habits are really very hard to maintain especially when it involves a lot of struggle. For example writing daily 500 words about a random topic.

It might sound easy for you but for most of them won’t even be able to write hundred words and that is not because they don’t now. The major reason behind this is they are never habituated to writing and they don’t feel interested. When we see someone so much productive we feel like they are able to do it because of their abilities.

A lot of people have misconception that only those specific category of individuals are able to do this. And they call them as legendary. But remember even legends were lethargic and lazy someday. Legends who you think are not formed from their birth itself. But they realize that this lethargic attitude will never help them to grow.

And you too now need to change yourself because this attitude won’t help you to grow at all. Those legends you think were also like you but after inserting those specific habits in their routine they were able to change their life. It becomes very important to understand yourself and how those thoughts and the entire system reacts to those habits.

Just like if you are trying to become like John Cena then it might never be fulfilled or even hundred years might not be enough to become like him. See, human beings are unique and first of all you need to identify yourself. It’s not about what is your name or personal information but you need to know who you are.

I mean how much you know about yourself. Digging deeper in it means what your body accepts or rejects. We all are different and that is why you are having a different set of thoughts and personal values though your physical state might be same.




A majority of people are not able to identify themselves even after they grow old. Just like a 90 year old grandpa might have a lot of experience about life and how people treat others but he will never know about himself at all. And that is how we as humans never understand ourselves well.

You might feel it as how this is even possible but trust me a lot of people die poor because they never think about their future. Take an example, if you are gaining some amount of money through a primary income source which is through a job. But will you just collect that income and cage it inside your pocket or invest it in some sort of funds.

Of course you want growth and that is why you will invest it further. Even if you say that it is a very common answer but a lot of people don’t know about these kind of things or ideas. They keep their money in their lockers and think it as an asset.

Similarly we never know ourselves perfectly and it is really impossible. But you need to get out of this situation and start experimenting with yourself. Yes, a lot of people just sit ideal waiting for results to kick in.

But it never ever happens because they are already doing things which they shouldn’t. And then, when years pass by they realize that they had done the biggest mistake of life. That’s why I don’t want this to happen with you.



I don’t want you to be in that state. Experimenting out things is the best way to identify actually who you are. So what will you experiment about? When it comes to experiment don’t only think about good because you need to also identify out site or the area which is not working for you. Basically what is working for others won’t always work for you. So try different things.

If suppose one particular field is not supporting your interest or you are feeling lethargic then you need to quickly change your area or otherwise you will hinder your growth. A lot of people make notes or you can also say make resolutions. But instead of making resolutions you need to note down those few points which you have tried out.

Suppose you have cooked a meal, then you need to ask yourself “is it making me really interested?” Or “am I just trying to fulfil your need?” Similarly you need to note these questions on a daily basis about your field and think in a very deep manner. You will definitely get an idea that what is actually working for you.

Good Habits


Bad habits are very easy to adapt because they don’t require any kind of patience. They are best for temporary amount of satisfaction and highly addictive like any other kind of drug. It takes a lot of time to adapt a good habit but a fraction of second to create a bad one. A lot of people have a confusion that what are really bad habits and good habits. How and on what basis are good and bad habits differentiated?

So we will discuss about that how these habits are actually differentiated. First of all, if you want to identify a bad or good habit then you need to have some patience. Effects or results of habits can achieved only after long term engagement. So before that you need to think about its advantage to a human. If you research on Google that “is exercising daily a good habit?” Then you will get a lot of answers that has many benefits and it is actually good for maintaining proper health.

According to Science it might be true but you need to rationally think that is exercising really good for your health because some exercises can injure you. While some of them can have a very bad affect. You need to think about that too. So when you start doing, then don’t stop for at least two months because some good habits take a very long time to get results. You need to understand your body and perform those right actions.

Bad habits have been discussed as bad because they are bad for human beings, but sometimes when you keep a balance or maintain a balance, it will help you. Just like eating too much of oily or fatty foods will be harmful for an obsess person but not for a thin one.

Bad habit cannot always be called as bad unless it defines your direction. Basically you need to think it with your perspective and that is why firstly I explained you the importance of understanding yourself.

If you have understood yourself better, then trust me no one can stop you in following your path. But remember that good habits are basically formed due to experience of people. I mean you might think why it is good or bad habit but you need to also think by the perspective of the doer.

You need to also collect experience of other people in order to know yourself better. It will surely help you in building your routine with maximum productivity.

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