Why We Should Get Up Early In The Morning


A lot of people have this bad habit of waking up at eleven in the morning or even in the afternoon. They have their lunch and after scrolling through the social media platform, they again go to sleep. Even after knowing it is a bad habit, some people won’t even realise the negative impact it will be making on their lives. That’s why they never wake up early in the morning

It’s one of the most common problems especially for the youngsters living in the urban region. They wake up as per their school or office timings and on holidays they sleep as they want. I am never ever complaining about it but if you want to change, then you need to read this entire post or else you need to stop reading.

It’s a fact that almost every person knows that waking up early in the morning looks or feels good because we see other people around filled with energy and can perform any physical activity quickly. So why you are not able to wake up early? Is it because of your late night parties or scrolling through your social media feed?

Most of the youngsters have habit of watching explicit content late night, chatting with their girlfriends or boyfriends or playing online games on their devices. Are you really doing this? If you are then this article is mainly for you. How many hours do you sleep in a day? Seven, eight, ten or….fifteen? Weekdays are one of the best part for job seekers and school children who take complete rest during the daytime.

They make sure that their routine is less struggling and there is no work especially on Sundays. School children wake up late night on Fridays, Saturday’s and get up late in the morning. They will have their breakfast and then again they will take a good nap.

It’s common and more frustrating is that the current generation who are becoming parents are following the same pattern, which in turn their children are also becoming its prey. So if you are a parent reading this, then of course you need to change because you will be passing the same habit to your children as well as the further generation will also follow the same.


If you compare your grandpas and grandmas with your current age then they are better and physically as well as emotionally fit than you. I am not joking because there was no advanced technology available at that time (Excluding James Bond Films).

We are comparing this so that we can know how much we are affecting ourselves through our excessive amount of sleep. Even though the old age people might have some or other diseases but during their childhood, they were pretty much energetic. And one of the important aspect is waking up early in the morning.

It is also scientifically proven that waking up early helps a person to carry out the entire day’s task flawlessly. And why not because they are damn serious about their lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle is far better than the luxury. Luxury and technology though has upper standard, but it will not help lethargic and lazy people to maintain a healthy routine. They will only lie in their comfort zones for a very long time because they are already blessed with everything.

First of all due to rise in technology people who are relying in their comfort zones are spoiling their children with their extra care and protection. If you observe that most of the successful people have a very fix schedule and they sleep early as well as wake early.

Remember that no one has achieved success in their life by following an unworthy routine. This is because in order to become successful struggles are necessary and at what time you wake up has also a lot to say with your destiny. So if you are trying to stay in your comfort zone then remember it will not be possible to even touch those great heights.

Similarly one’s who are using internet to satisfy their desires during the night time are become prey to obesity and lack of energy. Therefore they are unable to wake up early. Technology in this world is making our lives pretty much simpler but at the same time we are becoming dependent and not trying to take risk in life.

The technology we are using is making our lives easy but at the same time, it is also degrading our physical as well as mental health. Actually technology is giving anxiety and stress since it is an addiction and some of the people get absolutely entangled in that deadly addiction.

Technology is not a solution to success and you should never ever try to mix your luxury life with success. You can be rich enough but not successful and that is the main point people don’t understand. So you need to reduce the amount of materialistic living because it is the primary cause where you will always suffer and won’t get out at all. We can also say that people who live in rural areas are more successful than those living in big metropolitan region.



Waking up early in the morning has various benefits and one of them is time for exercise. During the recent pandemic almost every individual was on that stage or on the path of increasing their size of the tummy. It was because of the strict lockdown that was followed especially in the urban areas where the population density is high. And of course because of that everyone was escaping their daily jobs and hectic.

So it was a very long vacation for you and the overall day was spent in boundaries of home. Especially people using Netflix and browsing through their devices. We too feel that it’s not right but we can’t erase that habit and that habit leads to destruction of overall health.

But you need to do it especially if you want to improve your overall health status. There is no way to success without struggles and similarly if you want to maintain health, you need to struggle. It is the only way to live longer and happier and not just the luxury.


  1. It helps you to burn fat.
  2. It releases hormones and also makes your mood happy.
  3. Your Energy Levels Start Improving.
  4. It Reduces Chances Of Attracting Diseases.
  5. Improves Your Sleep Quality.
  6. It Reduces The Chances Of Accumulations Of Toxins In Your Body.

So there are more than these six benefits and it will help you to live longer. Remember at last good health will only help us to remain happy and not the technology or materialistic lifestyle. Good Health is the primary source of happiness. Always remember.

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