Why We Should Have Dream


People say that always live in reality and never try to dream bigger than your limitations. Of course it is correct but just ask yourself that is it really fruitful to have dreams if you are thinking of achieving small things in life? No, it doesn’t complete the true definition of dream. We humans think of finding a good job, having a beautiful relationship, kids and a joyous family.

Remember that these are not dreams but needs that we are living for. You need to have a partner to have kids, you need job in order to fulfil all the basic wants. Then what really dream is might be the only question disturbing you at this moment.

It’s important to understand that when you don’t have control over something for which you are struggling for and if it’s not available with you at this moment then that target becomes your dream.

For example, suppose you are not having enough money to buy a big house and at current condition it’s impossible to do so. You observe few people who are able to buy a big house but they are rich enough to buy it. So that target of achieving a big house becomes a dream. Remember it’s not a need because you can also live in a small living space.

What you need is just roof. But you don’t want to stay in that condition for a longer period of time. And that becomes your dream. Similarly eating something which can feed your stomach is your need but eating expensive dishes or eating in a fine dining restaurant can be a dream.

What makes our dreams differ from each other is the current mindset. People who have enough things in life already or the one’s who are born in a family of aristocrats won’t think much of their dreams. They will think that there is no need of working though they still might have dream of chasing something big.

When a person doesn’t have that status in the society then for that person achieving that status becomes his dream. There are some humans who fear about their financial conditions and because of that fear they try to think limited.

It’s because they see others who have enough financial support to achieve those dreams. That’s where we all will feel insecure about ourselves. Money is not the solution to become successful.

Remember a person who has enough respect and wealth might get an early access than others but it is not like they will become successful. Everyone has equal amount of opportunities so it is not going to affect anyone’s ambitions. All we need is hard work, enough skills to compete, patience and confidence.



Some people are able to create imaginations which are unique and totally different from the reality. We say all the time that to never work on dreams which have a lot of uncertainty and risks in reality. But actually such dreams can become an incredible source for our purpose.

We can create an imaginary design of how a purpose should like which can help us to be unique from people who have similar kind of thoughts. Dreams are one of those powerful tools which can bring our imaginations into reality. We won’t remain confuse of what to do and what not do.

Once you are able to believe in yourself and your created dream then you will be able to work as early as possible. Take example of architects who are able to design structures which are fine and informative as well. We are able to recognize them well because we have already seen them at our home.

Sometimes the architects design patterns which doesn’t match with the reality but when they are practically built, we feel they are amazing and cool. They become part of the reality once everyone starts accepting the design. Similar are your dreams.

At present no one will accept your dreams because everyone will find them meaningless as nowhere in the world it is being created. But still you are able to make your dreams come true in reality once you will start working on them.

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