Why We Should Not Celebrate Enemy’s Defeat


How did you feel last time when your enemy had to lose with a big defeat? Was it a pleasant feeling? Did you feel calm and peaceful? Of course each one of us feel good because we see our enemies losing faith in themselves and failing miserably. We humans feel good when we see someone suffering whom we hate the most.

Like take example of a terrorist. We all know how much terrorism has caused havoc around the world with humans being trained to kill innocent people for nothing. And that’s where the aggression starts arising. If you closely observe then you will get to know that we try to cause pain for someone in order to feel peace and to take revenge of what they had done previously.

It’s not only about those terrorists but we all humans have this in-build aggression to create peace. That’s a natural tendency of all the human beings. And that’s where we all have to put our negative emotions under our control. Obtaining pleasure in someone’s suffering is called as cruelty. So we might act cruel and still say we haven’t done anything wrong.

There’s a famous proverb which says that “never rejoice when enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles”. It might be very simple to understand but incredibly difficult to manifest. And the reason behind it is our hurting which we try to heal by taking necessary revenge.

When we celebrate our enemy’s defeat then it only means we have put a temporary amount of happiness around ourselves. What we think an enemy is a person who is not good for our peace. And we believe that the person will always keep hurting our respect and affect our thoughts.

Actually it’s our own belief which create that mentality because we see them behaving in front of our eyes. We immediately perceive it in no time and put those people into our blacklist. There is nothing called as enemy but because of a certain situation which arises we entitle them with that tagline.


It might seem to be ridiculous but that’s absolutely true in so many cases because enemies are those people who wake you up in the middle of fortnight to attack you. They fire up our soul to stay in the battle. Most of the competitors in a competition can be felt like enemies since we think of only winning the game.

And even the toughest of competitors give us some kind of motivation to give our best. Isn’t it? So in reality the best kind of motivation you will get is from an enemy. Whereas a friend will always keep comforting you before the game as well as after you win/lose.

Basically we call up our friends when we lose our hopes, when we feel the need to get cheered up and finally in order to celebrate our victory. There’s not a single friend you will see who will wake up your passion or create fire within you. Trust me that majority of friends whom we find ourselves to be comfortable make a personality similar to that of a spoiled brat.

We cannot confine our friends since we enjoy the freedom of being entitled to a friendship. And that freedom itself is too much dangerous than the suffering from an enemy. It is said that when there is pain there’s some form of gain which is very much true when we are building a career for ourselves. So it’s actually our enemies which motivate us to do better in every game.


This could be the most obvious thought to understand but very difficult to do in reality. How many times during your school days you first asked your friends about their marks before looking at yours? This happens always because we first look what others are doing and where they have committed a mistake.

It’s not wrong to take learnings but we take it on a negative note. We often tease those who tried to act over smart and then we also feel happy of taking the retaliation which we were waiting for so long. If your enemy fails it will make your day but if your friend fails you will start comforting him/her.

We need to change this mindset because someday that revenge which we had taken will ultimately harm us. It’s not a joke because the revenge never gets settled peacefully. How can you think the person who lost the game would give up so easily? That so called enemy will fight back whenever he/she gets that opportunity again.

We can never have a permanent control in anyone’s life. Then that can be a human or any other living being. We should never celebrate when someone is suffering because someday we will find ourselves in that similar situation. Our life could have been billion times better if we focus on what we have won.

And that’s what we are lacking in today’s world. Instead of celebrating someone’s defeat we have to learn from their failures. It’s very easy to understand but difficult to practise in our routine. Remember to love every person no matter how you feel about him/her. Everyone is equally contributing towards the society. So always have respect about them.

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