Why We Should Not Cheat In Exams


That might be one of the toughest question to answer. We all have been at that point where cheating might look as no other way to be successful in those exams. Right? There is no other option because that is the common human tendency. When we don’t have answers for a question our curiosity increases and because of this increase in curiosity, we can’t control our urges to turn our heads and peep in answer sheets around us.

Of course, when there are answer sheets around, we won’t leave that chance. We won’t irritate our mind constantly to think which is beyond our capacity. The main point is that we want comfort. Being comfortable is the desire of every human being. And when such tests make us feel uncomfortable there is no other option we see at all.

You might feel like who has invented this cheating. Everyone wants to know but before just ask yourself how did you know that is this cheating or not. I mean from which thought this term cheating originated within your mind. A lot of people say that it is because of people around. And one of that person is the teacher itself.

We are always told by our teachers that to write what we know. Which means even if we submit our answer sheets blank we shouldn’t peep in other’s work at all. How many of you have been at that place where supervisor has checked your pockets before entering the examination hall. Most of you might say yes because it’s a clarity that it won’t help in the future.

We never knew copying or carrying cheat was crime in an examination unless teacher introduced it to us. During the first year of schooling there are certain guidelines imparted by teachers to the students that what is wrong and what is right. But during the first years of schooling our brain was not that much evolved what it previously did.

After few months and years when we start giving exams and random tests frequently, we get to know about what is good and what is not. We watch over our colleagues and friends. That observation seems like to be a turning point of your perspective.

Think, why do teachers or supervisors are there inside examination hall. It is because in order to avoid cheating and copying. They are paid to fulfil their responsibilities. When we are mature and grown enough, our colleagues and every student inside an exam hall starts following those guidelines.

Imagine, if no one would have followed those guidelines then what would be the meaning of those exams? If everyone had started copying then there would be no demand for the highest rank at all. Those first rank holders would be surrounded by failures. Everyone just start scoring full marks and there is no outcome through the results. That seems like a dangerous tragedy. Right?

Why Don’t We Feel Cheating Is Bad

Those feelings are actually involved when we observe other people around. When we are in an examination hall, we can feel the silence, the peaceful surrounding and students focused in solving the question paper. You will hardly see one or two students copying and if the supervisor is strict then it will be tougher to do it.

We all know that others have studied and therefore they are able to write their answer papers. While the ones who haven’t studied at all will get irritated because they don’t know at first place.

And if they don’t write anything on that answer sheet, they know they will fail or become prey of low grades. So in that period they find the right time to escape from the supervisor’s vision and the right moment to copy answers from their colleagues. So when they have copied everything from answer sheets successfully then they submit the answer sheet to their teachers.

After exiting the exam hall, they check out the answers from the smart students who are brilliant in studies and feel the satisfaction that they have wrote enough. So this is the way we do this shit and then feel good that some passing marks will be obtained by the matter we have written in the answer sheet.

But do they really feel good? Have you copied and felt like that was right? Yes we do feel bad but we don’t realise it. We know that almost everyone in the examination hall is writing their papers sincerely and when such situations arises we can’t control ourselves.

Though we might pass those exams but what about the future? Actually copying is a temporary solution to a test but the real test will be going to start after passing the examination. What we think is that exams can be passed in this manner after knowing about the techniques to fool the class teacher or the examiner. That temporary satisfaction is indeed great but think about the future where we are going to live in a practical manner.

We all know that we will be earning money, but just think who will choose us if we don’t have any knowledge about a particular subject or the topic, which we will be working for. Students who copy are not in any advantage because those marks won’t make any sense in the practical life.

You know what we all are fed with one thought that after education we will start earning chunks of money. But really? If that would happen then everyone had done the same thing. There wouldn’t be any first rankers or toppers.

We don’t value exams because we think it’s a crap. Our mindset is developed in such a manner that exams have nothing to do with our future. Exams doesn’t mean our future. And those same thoughts are shared around by students thinking life is still successful without exams. Actually it’s not the exam but they are the marks which doesn’t figure our future.

If everyone starts feeling like exam is a shit then everyone will start copying. Then neither teachers nor the management will be able to stop them. But luckily we are not same. Almost everyone tries to follow the right code and avoid copying i.e. standing with the truth, but because of that habit of cheating most of us fail to do it.




Read it again because that is the truth of this universe. A healthy system works and supports only worthy people. Though you might cheat now but there are consequences which you need to face tomorrow. This place can only work only after struggles and not by cheating and because of that universal rule we need to stop it.

Further down if we put this as a habit then nothing will be going to work. This habit can successfully turn into addiction. We will be dependent on someone for help and of course no one will turn up when the time is already gone. Everyone is struggling through that phase so you need to also be the part of the system. If you work against the truth then the system might kick you out.

That’s why it is said by everyone around from elders to teachers and professors that cheating is wrong and it won’t make anyone successful.

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