Why We Should Not Compare Ourselves With Others


It happens almost all the time where we become jealous of those things which we don’t have at the present moment. And yes it’s a common tendency because we are also filled with emotions. We too want that luxury or that potential value which will help us to live happy. Right? We compare a lot with the lifestyle of other people.

So what will you do in order to get that value? Will you struggle or put efforts into it? Sometimes even after struggling or making efforts doesn’t create any changes. And we feel so tired that we start creating negative emotions about them.

And that is how jealousy takes place. When an individual feels that there is lack of a certain materialistic thing or a value in his/her life, then they will take it in a very competing way. So what will you do if you don’t achieve something even after investing so much of efforts into it?

Will you harass that person or try to dominate him? You will be shocked that people do this because they feel jealous since they are not able to reach those heights or at that level. They can’t compare themselves and that is why bullying takes place.

Why today bullying and trolling is reaching great heights. It’s because of jealousy. Now let’s take a situation, suppose you are at the place of someone which you always wanted to be, how will you feel? Having that value or luxury, you always wanted, will you feel good?

Why not because you have that thing. But let me tell you it will look cool at first sight but that value of materialistic thing will decrease in your vision as time passes because there are more things to try out there. Right?

See, you need to understand this because it will be far troubling for you, since that jealousy will never end because humans are greedy. Their wants never stop at a particular place. When one want gets completed another arises and it goes on till infinity. This is the most important and very interesting topic to learn because it talks basically about our life surrounded by jealousy.

According to English Dictionary, jealousy means feelings or thoughts of insecurity, fear, concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety. In general terms it is a value which leads to uncontrollable negative or positive emotions because of differences happening around someone’s life. I am not saying that jealousy is always a negative value because some people take it in a positive way.

Just like when we see someone, we get inspired by them and yes we feel good. We might get jealous but we will fight and make our way in order to achieve it. This is more about positive outlook and a way to deal with problems and issues. We will still fight no matter how much worst the situation might be.

Jealousy which takes with negative feelings is more kind of destructive and it’s a very commonly found within the community and the society. Even in the families, we feel jealous especially when it is more about love matter. These days children have more jealousy with their ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends. And this is also the phenomenon of jealousy. Come on, just understand its reality and jealousy is main reason behind it. We all know how breakups take place. It’s because of some kind of jealousy between two people.

That jealousy happens because they feel comparable or try to differentiate their materialistic form of happiness. Suppose you are in a relationship whom you call as a soul mate. He or she might feel that your external or internal beauty doesn’t make any sense. One day you accidently see your partner with some other person. You don’t know who the person is but it turns out to be a relationship.

So what will you like to comment? Will you feel that your energy is depleted? And yes it will turn out to be in that manner because your partner was not satisfied with you. It can be your physical beauty or your thought process. So comparison leads to either satisfaction or dissatisfaction and this is a universal law.

Now just take example of child’s grades. Compare it with the bright students where you are focusing at. It will never be satisfied and generally it never leads to satisfaction because we expect higher achievements without even knowing the capacity of that child.


When it comes to capacity, we mean an ability of a person to perform certain task with maximum output. And here lies the main problem. The capacity of every individual is different. Basically it is very different for every human and that makes us unique. Capacity of a person is that range in which a person can perform work without getting tired and that is why every individual gets an entitlement depending upon the performance.

Let’ take an example, suppose there is a world cycling championship taking place in your area. The competition is fierce with experienced people, experts and professionals who have been trained for many years. So can you say that everyone will win that competition? Of course not because the one who is capable of finishing in less amount of time will lead to the boundary. Right?

If everyone had that same capability then people wouldn’t have differentiated or tried to compare. Exactly! And everyone would had been equal with no difference, no uniqueness at all. The demand for competition would have been less and everyone might get success in their life instantly. So comparison is very much related with capacity. When there is differentiable capacities competitions or comparisons always exist.


Just imagine there are two mobile phones in front of you. One is very expensive and the other one is cheap. The expensive feels more amazing because of its price, but the screen is very small. Whereas the cheaper one’s has a very different look. It’s handy and the screen size is pretty big enough to watch movies. The expensive one doesn’t fit your pocket whereas the cheap one matches your budget. You will compare a lot.

The expensive one has a warranty of two years whereas the cheap one has no warranty. So which one will you choose? Both of them might look amazing but if you are budget restricted, then nothing can be done. Right? And similarly is the situation with humans. Now suppose there is some other category of great and new mobile phone cheaper than both of them. It has all the unique specifications that most of the expensive phones don’t have. So you will also look for this one. You might definitely buy it.

Yes, it happens all the time where we ourselves get confused of what to buy. It’s because there are so many choices out there and because of so many choices, we cannot make the best one. They are comparable and that is why it is very tough to make the right choice.

What I want to say is that similar to this situation, we humans have comparable opinions. Someone might have that specific value which you don’t have or you might have that value which people around you don’t have. There will be comparison happening all around but the most important part is no one is actually perfect here.

We all are living lives in order to become better and to grow through our mistakes. Comparisons can make people think negative about themselves and because of you they might get hurt. Don’t compare. So I will end this topic in a form of quote.      



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