Why We Should Not Fear Death


Death is unavoidable but still we fear that we have to die someday. Some people are so much sensitive that their concerns about death becomes extremely fatal for themselves. They talk and discuss about it with others. Yes, and in order to make them feel comfortable others try to help them out. But as said before that such people can’t control themselves because of the fear itself.

So who are these people? Most of them suffer through psychological problems but rather this can be common in old age groups. Senior citizens generally develop this fear because as they turn old their body becomes weak. Risks of attracting diseases starts increasing and if they don’t try to maintain good health then certainly it can also lead to death.

And when such statement erupt on their minds, they are unable to control their emotions. Sometimes they will seat alone thinking of what will happen to their future. There are also some senior citizens who always remain afraid of losing their assets. Property, money, luxury is what they were looking for. Though they have right now but it’s not possible to carry along when they die.

They feel that their hard work might go in vain. They feel insecure of these thoughts all the time. And absolutely who will love to lose their financial status and property to someone else. You might have seen such old age people always talking about this topic just because they know that they will die someday. Mourning over such stupid things is absolutely not okay because it will neither help you nor help you to die peacefully.

A human should know that even their bodies are not permanent ownership. What remains is their soul. Though we don’t know what happens after death but at least we need to enjoy this life. Humans make their life complex and then their death makes them simple. Whatever you have right now has no value after death. You won’t be selling your property in heaven. You won’t be bargaining through money after death.

And that’s why any of these materialistic form of happiness has to be discarded from your mind. You shouldn’t worry who will be dominating your wealth after your death or who will take benefits through it. Humans waste their time in thinking about these things all the time and when they come close to death, they suffocate. They suffocate because they remain attached to their family, relationships, body, wealth, money and even smallest things which they had to struggle for.

So in conclusion a human fears because he/she will lose all those things for which they have poured substantial amount of hard work. Now let’s talk about a different category of people who make their mindset of struggling and then donating. So people who lie within such category don’t form any attachment over their wealth or even on father’s inherited property.

Mostly you will find such humans having extraordinary thoughts even while living in poor background. But the crystal clear vision which lies in such individuals is that they think of the society and the community as a whole. Whatever charities, projects and NGO’S are there around the world are contributed by these philanthropist.

So you might be thinking that why don’t they carry such emotions after accumulating huge amount of wealth. And the reason behind is that they serve to promote humanity. Their first and foremost significant value is that they never hold on whatever they accumulate. It might be their relationship, partner, property etc.

From the age of maturity they get to understand that none of the materialistic things will remain permanent. They keep in mind that each one of us are here to survive. They get to know that financial security is the biggest risk of life. And most importantly they follow the golden rule that life is all about uncertainty.



An average person studies for first twenty years and works for rest forty years. That might be the simplest plan but change your mentality because it will trouble you more. Office workers, labourers and even the managers shape their plans in this manner but what happens is that they work their butts off for rest of their life.

And when it’s time to retire they find themselves in a position where they are not able to enjoy through their accumulated resources. It feels weird but if you don’t enjoy during this time period, then you will suffocate at the end. You might have seen students who study for the exams at very last moment and then they fail.

It’s a similar situation but there are no time limits since the future is uncertain. A sudden heart attack can be the best example if you relate this situation. All of the plans will go waste in no time. So if you are reading this then you need to live your life to the fullest.  That’s the only way to accept death happily.

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