Why We Should Not Hold On Toxic Relationships


People generally don’t recognize that in which kind of relationship they are living in unless someone tells them to get out as quickly as possible since it’s toxic. Yet they stick to their decision until the same decision drains down their energy completely. It looks very easy that when people tell them to mentally eradicate of whatever memories they have created with the person.

So is that really possible to forget your special someone when one of the string straight from your heart is attached to the person? It’s not easy to cut the strings because we feel that someday things will change and then we will be able to uplift our partner. But nothing happens and the cycle continues for even longer period of time.

What do we call such relationships or is there problem within ourselves? Many times we humans complain that the problem is the person whom they have loved the most. The person is the problem and then this same problem creates another problem creating pool of problems. What we call as love is actually our expectations that better days will come.

Or else everyone would have left their toxic relationships right away after knowing that it is toxic. That single expectation is planted on our minds because we feel that we never want to lose them. Yes and this is because we have created beautiful memories with them. So what generally is a toxic relationship?

Before even leaving your partner know that what is actually hurting you the most. It can be his/her behaviour with you or the person might not be committed with the relationship. If he/she is abusive and makes you uncomfortable every time then it means that you need to leave.

Some people cannot identify whether the relationship is toxic or not until they spend time with their partners. This means that we can never be perfect while choosing the person unless we completely change the idea about relationships. Our society thinks that a person who is in relationship has more amount of respect than the one who is single.

And do you know the reason behind this? The relationship itself! Have you ever seen a perfect relationship, where there is only fun, peace and love? It might be in movies and rarely in reality. So that’s why the demand for a perfect relationship increases. Everyone demands for forever because they keenly watch in the movies, which slowly transforms into reality.

And that’s why we feel that the ones who have relationship are blessed and they must be respected more. In actuality nothing lasts forever. Even your body, personal belongings will get decomposed someday. Yet some of us still believe in love till eternity. In today’s generation when we love a person we want ourselves to get entitled to love.

Trust me there is nothing beyond this because the moment we see, we try to create it. Imagine if there was no one in this world who knew about relationship or never tried it before. What could have happened to people around? Yes, there would have been no social impact at all. This means we try to do things what society accepts just like an ideal marriage.



Remember that the population of humans on earth is more than eight billion yet we fall for over one person. How crazy we are, right? But that’s not the truth since those eight billion people on the planet also have some kind of relationship with each other. The main problem is that we cannot convince the ones who are already taken.

But if you remove singles from the population, there will be hell lot of them. There are also people who had status of being in relationship and then they changed into single. And there are also some people who have changed their status to in relationship. Actually we are never perfect because we humans constantly go through different phases in life.

There’s a lot of uncertainty even in the perfect relationships because no matter how much we trust a person but someday that same trust can get broken into fine pieces. So there’s no comfortable place anywhere on the planet. And even those whom you call as lucky because they have best kind of relationship might not stay with each other in the near future.

So what’s the point of taking yourself for granted who is not good for your well-being? We compromise our time for someone who doesn’t care about the relationship. Actually such relationships only remain as pain in our butt because the person is shaped with those values and doesn’t want to change at all.

We cannot force our relationships to change according to our expectations. Therefore the best way to live with peace is to break apart from them emotionally as well as mentally. You might not be able to do this very quickly but someday you will find your way.

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