Why We Should Not Laugh At Others


We see that short guy who wears short pants. We know that it is a physical problem but that figure looks odd to our vision. All of us are used to people who have average height since we are observing this everywhere. And then in the middle of the street our eyes fall over that short guy, who has done all those things to increase his height. From drinking milk with extra protein powder, exercising, cycling and just nothing happens to him. So he does that everything and still doesn’t grow at all. Most of the people will show sympathy externally but deep inside we laugh intentionally.

Though it’s not a matter of laughing but still we can’t hold it and think those struggles are funny. It happens with everyone where a person shows himself as rational thinker but deep down lies reality. Though it’s a very serious thing but we can’t think in a serious manner because we are not the one’s suffering through it.

A victim can only understand the struggle of going through a situation and that is why it’s very important to understand a situation through victim’s point of view. Stone-hearted people suffer a lot because they always make fun of victims or they try to make the victim’s life more miserable. But as per the law of nature for every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction, which is true for every individual that might be a human being or an animal.

When we laugh on others, we try to degrade our learning. People think that knowledge is power and that is why they get influenced by reading books and watching educational videos. They ignore the practical situations happening around. Actually the real knowledge is not in those book but it is in our understanding.

Books only show you the theoretical concepts and the practical knowledge vanishes away. Remember, it is important to note that the more you consume theoretical knowledge without proper understanding, the more it will become difficult to analyse future situations.

I mean the raw knowledge gets accumulated. Just like there can be a huge amount of raw material but no one will buy it unless it is created into a finished product format. Raw knowledge in turn can be harmful for the mind. This is because it is unorganized and not observed in different perspective. I can even say that we just accumulate knowledge without thinking about the real life experience.


How easily we can see someone’s mistake? We can have eye to detail for what they did and can even make a three page story. We watch over those end results and when they fail, we feel satisfied. Right? How cruel we are. We don’t even care about where they go wrong. We just start laughing on their results because we know it has become failure. And these are the people who further grow as jokers and fool themselves.

We don’t even think about what had gone wrong. We just see that result is failure and that temporary humor might cost us a lot. The main difference between successful people and that of failures is analysis of the result. Though it might be a failure but the ones who had failed in that process keep a detail analysis of what actually went wrong in that period.

They consider multiple factors and study them, which in turn helps them to improve for working over those issues or mistakes. And that is why successful people have a totally different set of values from the average ones. They work hard and also use their intelligence to avoid those repetitions. And when that situation arrives, they get to know through their experience and definitely they are able to achieve their goals.

The problem with us is that we never understand that someone’s mistake is also applicable in our life. It’s because similar situation can take place in the future. I will explain this with real life example.

While watching news on the television, I came across a news which was an incident which took place in a 3 star hotel. I will explain the incident. A cylinder blast took place in the kitchen area of that hotel and slowly the fire passed through the rooms. At that time the entire hotel was full and reserved because of festival time

Everyone was in panic and the situation became worst. Some of them were heavily injured because they were stampede while running through the emergency staircase. All the guests were escaped successfully. Now imagine it’s the first hotel or the first building in the entire city constructed for higher class people to have a luxury living. Rooms are elegant and beautiful. The hotel architect is new and the hotel is constructed in such a manner that there is no emergency exit at all.

So when such situation happens for the first time inside this hotel, it acts as a lesson to other people. So the other architects will keep in mind that the layout should also have an emergency exit too. The ones who make mistakes is the best lesson to safeguard yourself. It’s an advance approach of learning and the smart people always observe where others are going wrong. Through their mistakes they try to make their way less struggling.


You might have heard this most of the times that laughter has a great impact on the health. But no, not always because laughter can kill you especially your productivity. A good amount of laughter is better for health. But when it extends a certain limit, it can be fatal.

It damages your productivity and most importantly it’s a deadly addiction. If you see memes and other laughing material online then it’s contributing a large amount towards this entertaining social media platform.

Without memes and funny videos social media is nothing and in turn people might even leave it if they find boring content on those sites. Social media is toxic not because it’s social but it is because of the trolling content that we are sharing. It’s addicting because we feel it’s humorous. And that’s why in order to find more humor, we scroll through the feed.

But do you know that this is creating a hazard for your future. Creators who share funny content on social sites such as Facebook don’t create a positive impact on people. They might be getting collaborations or money but it’s only for name sake.

You might have a large amount of following but still be poor because of the unworthy people following you. It’s a matter of thinking that does really laughter improves you? It might be good for your health but still the learning will be zero. Instead try to focus and observe how people are learning through those mistakes. Remember to always invest time which is good for you in the long term.

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