Why We Should Not Lose Hopes


It is said that sensitive and weak-minded people always lose hopes early than the strong minded individuals. Here we are not talking about physical strength because if you are blessed with high emotional and mental stability then it doesn’t matter what your physical strength is. You might be going to gym in order to lift dumbbells and build muscles, but now suppose your mentality is built in such a way that you fear, someday you might knock off your bones.

You start thinking negative and because of this it affects your health. So will you be able to lift dumbbells in such condition where your thoughts are creating fear. A person powered with strong and positive thoughts will never fear to lift dumbbell even if he or she is not physically strong. And that is why it is said that almost everyone who do such activities are first mentally prepared.

If you don’t have any kind of motivation then no matter how much you try you will always lose. Similar is the case of hopes. If you are not mentally strong then even failure will always look like failure. Legends who are created are not ordinary people. They are called extraordinary not by their physical strength. Even somehow physical strength might matter but without stable mentality and emotions being a fearless legend is not possible at all.

You must be watching wrestling or boxing matches. Suppose there are two boxers in boxing ring the first one looks strong, muscular, tall and handsome whereas on the other side there is a person who has black skin colour with fair abs. While comparing both of them you will always pick up someone who has more amount of positives at first vision itself.

People who haven’t done weight lifting or even gym will always see others strong through the muscular appearance. But when we see these boxers fighting in the ring, slowly and steadily our thoughts start stumbling. None of them even match what is happening inside that boxing ring. When the opponent finally gives out knockout punch on our chosen player, our hopes die.

People lose because they are never prepared with the right strategies and even after having right strategies, there is no will power. All of our powers are lying internally which are essential for winning. You can only achieve success if you achieve control over these internal values.


Let’s take example of one of the most common tragedies. Suppose you fall in love with a person of opposite gender. You love him/her so much that you can’t wait to marry. He/she always motivates you to become better.  No matter what flaws the person has, but you don’t mind at all. One day something happens, and because of that you lose you contact with that person.

You wait for that person till he/she finds you. He/she too does the same thing and waits for you to come back. This might seem to be like a love story. But what will happen if both of you don’t even step forward to find each other. You will never be able to meet at all and because of that both of you will carry hate about each other. It can get to a point that you might lose hope, and think about someone else.

Your own emotions can start eating you since you have fixed on your mind that the person loves you no more. Most of the love stories end with such reality and then they both fall into depression. Both of them only think that the other one has find better and moved forward. This is not only case of relationships, but this is a universal rule. “You can’t wait for something by putting nothing.”

Similarly your hopes can’t simply rely on your silence. Hopes too need some kind of motivation or action from your end. They require energy or else they will die because of starvation. Humans have no source of dependence when it comes to growth apart from family environment. Even our relationships can hold on for a temporary period of time because the entire responsibility lies on us.

When we take our decisions, we agree with the natural terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are created by our thoughts themselves, which includes our expectations. They carry our emotions, feelings and when things get beyond our control, losses start taking place. And when it’s time to leave and move forward, we hold on because of our attachments.

So in order to push, efforts are needed and without efforts we will keep struggling waiting for the right to come. People often have this misconception that with time problems are solved. What happens is that those problems never get solved instead they get dissolved or pop up in the near future.


In the above example we understood that without putting efforts we won’t be able to grow. But sometimes what happens is that we put on so much of efforts on someone or an idea that it doesn’t work at all. One of the most common example can be taken with the above example itself. You fell in love with an opposite gender of your age.

And you are crazy for that person since you are attracted by the beauty. You want to marry him/her but there is a constant fear. One day with no thought you confess all your feelings. And at the same time he/she accepts your proposal. You both go on long dates, trips and have fun. You fall over an attachment with that person. There is always a slight doubt in you because that person had multiple partners before. You ignore and don’t think about it.

One day your doubts turn into reality. He/she dumps you and get over into another relationship. Basically your reaction will be that person cheated on you. After that you will carry hate, anger and at the same time you will feel that he/she will feel guilty that you were better. You don’t seat waiting for that person, instead you put some efforts and convince him/her about the importance of that relationship.

Soon you also start sharing those memories and time spent with each other. But the person constantly shuts you down. So in such case will he/she come back? Will that person love you back for no reason? Almost everyone who wants you to grow will suggest not to fall for that person again. They might even suggest you with better option (Just joking).

So in such case those hopes are already filled with negative energy. And negative source always sucks positivity from a person. In such case you need to realise and fall back as much as possible. Because no matter how much efforts you put they all will turn unworthy. And in turn they will also drain your energy.

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