Why We Should Not Stop Learning


A lot of people say that learning is everything but very few of them actually learn. It can be start of the day or end of the day, at every step we always discover something new. We all have that same traditional habit of getting late in the morning and going performing all the routine task. If we get too much late, then we set time frame or rush over things very early. The mind will only learn if it maintains some pace because learning is not a do or die situation.

It can only be secured through a pleasant daily routine. A lot of people have a very bad habit of completing tasks before time by lending work to someone or skipping some steps in between. There is no end to this because we all have our lives, family, relationships and we want to enjoy with them. It happens mainly with individuals who think that their job is shit either because of their seniors or due to the environment in which they are surviving.

Actually the job itself is something which people want to avoid but because of financial problems they can’t. Or we can also say that they only work for money and not for their passion. There is difference between solely working for money and letting money work for you. Business minded people actively try to learn every strategy what others are doing and then from that experience they build their own.

While we average thinkers only try to get rid of responsibilities when we are bombarded with too much of work. We might be called as active individuals who tackle problems smartly, but deep down our mentality can be called cheap. So do we call this as learning? We don’t actually try to understand the value of learning.

You can learn but your value will still be low. Let me explain you with one of the most common example. Suppose you are fond of remote control toys and you are trying to build a remote control helicopter. You learn the basics from its mechanism to assembling its part. You buy tools, body parts, and its internal components. After that you watch a YouTube video and follow the similar steps.

Then you exactly build the same model and within a month your copter is ready. When you push the ON button, it takes off and you are able to fly with the help of its remote control. You get an immense joy and satisfaction that at certain age you have built something great. It feels like that you have mastered everything.

But now talking through a business point of view, will your helicopter be saleable in the market? You might have lost a heck lot of money in creating the model but remember there is a lot of competition in the market. In simple words you have learnt or mastered to create that model but you haven’t learn about marketing or building a brand name.

Yes, we all know that this is done as a hobby but remember when it comes to learning it is beyond limits. At every step you will encounter something new. You will feel that there are lot of things to know. Though it might create hindrance, but there is no way to grow other than following the process. Ultimately you are aiming for development and that’s what you need.

Right Time


Have you ever heard about postponing the process of learning? Not so, but this is true because this especially happens with teenager and Young Adults who are in the process of development. We all know that at this stage they are neutral i.e. they are not fully mature. At this age a lot of individuals think that they are enough mature to learn and to take decisions by themselves.

They are always surrounded in the sphere of comfort and contentment. Whatever their wishes or desires they are always fulfilled by their parents. While chit chatting and having fun with friends they only think about having a specific aim in life. Like being an engineer, doctor, pilot etc. In such growing phase they often neglect the other situations which should have been the part of their learning process.

They make excuse by telling their parents that they are still small for that thought to learn. Nowadays we find this immaturity at a wider level from teenagers to adults as well as even during old age. Their attitude towards the minor felt problems is always ignorance. Or else we can say that they always ignore the incoming warnings.

And these warning signs become a major problem for their future. We can take a very common example. Say it’s about cheese burgers. You have a habit of consuming burgers every day throughout the week and you are doing this for almost five years.

But you haven’t experienced any serious obesity issues or any disease related problems. And your friend who is also doing the same, fell ill after two months. Even after doing daily exercise he is suffering through obesity. While your tummy seems to be flat without even doing exercise. This kind of problems are generally not felt at the beginning.

And when we grow old the problem becomes a permanent disease. Even in case of diabetes, common found at old age, is not experienced by young adults. Due to which they feel like taking advantage of the age factor, and forget that they have to even survive tomorrow.

In that period there are several warning signs given by their body and they often neglect that. After that due to the burden of these warning signs, their problem gets triggered and they start experiencing the worst phase of their life. So it’s very important to understand these lessons at that point itself. You might also be under some wrong impression because you haven’t experienced that situation and once the problem triggers, then there is no way to stop it.

And at that time you might feel that you shouldn’t have ignored those warning signs at all. People get confused that what they have read in books is learning. Actually learning starts through practical course. We get so much engrossed in our goals and aims that we ignore these important thoughts which become a tragedy for the future.

Time is considered to be having greatest importance to learning because if you don’t understand through someone’s mistake or try to ignore such signs then it will be stressful for the future. Neither schools nor universities will let you know about such thoughts. It’s not even written in any books because you might be studying something else. Learning and understanding life has deeper level of emotions involved than normal education. Don’t ignore them.

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