Why We Shouldn’t Procrastinate


Who doesn’t procrastinate? I mean almost ninety five percent of world’s population will agree that it is their favorite term. And this is becoming a very common nowadays. If you compare people between the ninety’s and the current year, then you will find the difference between the lifespan. Humans do live for a longer period of time but considering the present condition, it has decreased a lot.

A lot means at an unbelievable rate which you can’t even imagine. The life span of a common human being which was in eighty’s has been decreased to sixty’s from the last two decades. And it will go on decreasing till this planet becomes nil for living.

I am not only talking about pollution but people also decrease their life span due to procrastination. It makes a lot of sense but we all are falling prey in the same situation again and again. So what do you mean by procrastination? What do you think it should be? Procrastination means delaying of a particular task further that was needed to be done on a particular date or you can also say a deadline. Most of the people have this unusual habit of delaying their work to an extent of several months to even years.

People say that they procrastinate because they are able to do their work during last moments. They love to start during the final days and that is why most of them rush and make it too messy. Yes, if you watch out then there will be at least six out of ten people doing this. And then they complain of not having enough time just like half of that time was wasted in pooping out the shit.

The latest example I always have on my mind is that of exams. Oh! teens and young adults are so intelligent that they make several plans before last day of examination. They plan out things a day before. The book which they never ever opened in their entire year seems to be rushed a day before exams. And this is the usual case of every student no matter he or she is doing graduation or schooling. It becomes a habit and it extends till the entire lifetime.

And you won’t be amazed that these kids actually manage to complete the entire year’s syllabus in just a day or two. Sometimes even I too get surprised that how is this even possible. How do these kids do this and I will never understand. But the main question still arises that why they don’t try to complete their task on time? Why do they keep the work pending and then they just rush over it.

It’s not only about school or college students but even parents have this habit of postponing out things in the future. That attitude looks like “I will do the rest of the work tomorrow” But that tomorrow never ever comes up and it piles up one by one. People procrastinate not because they want to postpone but it is due to their lazy habit. A lazy person isn’t afraid of future.

Sometimes what happens is that people try to be active as much as possible while following the daily routine. People who procrastinate are very sensitive and weak over their feelings. They try to create new and healthy decisions, but that doesn’t even last for days. Strong and stone hearted people are very firm because they are not affected by such desires or pleasures.


I know someday you will just break down from that routine and try to lie within that comfort zone. And yes, we never try to stick with those decisions during that long term. It feels like trying to do worthy and meaningful work but that consistency never remains throughout that tie period. I know it’s very frustrating to put that consistent efforts on that entire way but think about your decision.

How will it feel being in a temporary relationship? Suppose you fall in love with someone but you partner finds someone better than you, then will you be able to let him or her go. Of course if you have loved that person, you won’t but will that stop him or her from leaving you? What if that person didn’t even have feeling for you?

Similar is the situation with people who fall weak over their decisions due to feelings. See, there is no magic trick here because if that was possible then it would have been the simplest way to live over those decisions. I will list down some points that will help you to stick with your decisions.

1. Don’t Jump Over Big Decisions

First learn to dominate the smaller ones which will basically be easy to carry forward towards the bigger ones. People usually make this mistake because they think that big decisions means more amount of successful results. It’s important to understand yourself and your limitations. If you can’t handle the smaller one’s then there is no way to be successful what you are looking for.

2. Stop Doing Everything

This is a major mistake people do because they try to do everything which is possible for them in that 24 hours of day. A right amount of focus and concentration is of extreme importance in order to earn from those struggles. If you try to switch over decisions again and again, you won’t achieve anything. People fail because they try to do everything at a time. Remember it won’t help you to grow.

3. Be Consistent With Your Work

Consistency is really hard to maintain especially for youngsters who are impatient and are always in need of instant results. What happens to them is they give up and yes they quit. That is why being consistent is of utmost importance. And this is a universal law. Because most of the humans living on this planet lack this value which increases the demand for such kind of individuals. It provides a variety of benefits and achieving success doesn’t takes much amount of time.

4. Work What You Are Really Interested In

This is the last and the most important point because an active person will fall lazy because he or she is not interested in that work. People frequently procrastinate because they do things which they are not interested in. They take decisions based on that thought or imagination what they are thinking. They follow someone else’s opinion or suggestion and try to follow it.

Remember if you are not interested in doing something then there is basically no motivation to achieve it. You will feel it boring and that is why people procrastinate. Work over something which you are really interested in. Love is needed to maintain that activeness just like that of a relationship. Because at last it will be serving your purpose and that will be called as your real achievement.

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