Why You Are Gaining Weight In This Lockdown


It seems to be funny to say that almost half of human population living on this planet have gained extra calories(weight). Skinny guys and women might feel god blessed. They should actually pat their backs because they had to struggle in order to eat. While most of the people are crying hard because they are taking routine checks on their tummy size.

Have you ever observed that smile on your tummy which resembles a sumo champion laughing? The way those cheeks are half hanging down covering your sensitive parts. Dude, if it’s true then you need to wake up quickly.

Skinny people have already got their benefits in this lockdown but you might be going in wrong direction. If the above condition is true then damn you are gaining weight. Just check it on the weighing scale, surely the needle pop out or tell someone to lift you. They might get back injury tomorrow. Sorry to say but this lockdown has messed up with a lot of easy bad habits which we are following.

No, you are not bad, sweet human, but your actions might be worst. Why are these actions torturing you so much? You might complain, it’s because of lockdown. You might even complain that it’s because of the undeniable smell from food, which automatically activates your salivary glands. And just after one piece is gulped in, you can’t wait for another turn to happen.

And in this way you noted the complaint that all of the actions are happening because of those lip-smacking snacks. This is the case where you are trying to point out those innocent snacks.


Calm down, they too have feelings. And that’s the main reason they get hurt by most of the humans who are suffering through obesity. Actually you cannot blame those snacks or food because they are prepared in order to consume. You cannot be so cruel to point out and blame them.

You know what, even mosquitoes took birth in order to do something. That something can be good or bad but you cannot complain that why they are living on this planet. You don’t have any rights to blame someone for the cause.

They might be doing it for their purpose, just like a toxic ex troubling you. So those exes might not physically harm you but still you can say you are hurt, badly. Yes, it’s because of your feelings. It’s because of your own mentality or I can even say it’s because of your thoughts.

You might feel guilty but no it’s the reality. We are blaming everyone around by harsh words but what we are doing? Even though you might feel hatred about that snack but still you will love to eat because of your uncontrolled temptations. Fast food snacks are known as “UNHEALTHY FOOD” but what about the healthy options.

Health conscious people who prefer rich butter or oil for food preparations are also struggling with obesity and over-weight problems. We all have seen that there is health conscious kind of food preparation. For example someone won’t fry a fish in normal oil but might use its rich category in order to maintain health. But do you know even healthy foods can be unhealthy for your body.

The one’s who make long advertisements and inform the audience about the richness of those ingredients are the ones who are themselves struggling through it. You might now say, how is that even possible?

Let’s take an example about a drink which promises to lose weight. There are so many products in and around the market that has so much of “RICH” information boldly written on the packets of those items.

Health minded people will see this as rich in value but still suffer through various diseases. Yes, I am talking about the truth. If someone creates a potion which will help those individuals to survive forever then they will be the first to buy it.

Even during the lockdown which happened due to coronavirus, several food items were launched which informed the audience about its benefits. There were also some assumptions made that it will protect against coronavirus. But you should know that we are living in the world of unauthentic information, especially from the advertisements or someone who is popular promote that product.

There is nothing called as “GOOD” or “BAD”. There is nothing called “HEALTHY” or “UNHEALTHY”. Poor people who survive on street foods are actually healthier maintained with proper weight than the ones who are consuming the rich and expensive products. I might sound awkward, but you can have quick check on this. They are healthy active and mentally fit. Wait….I am not talking about consuming street food but this article will help to change your perspective. I care more about the reality than actually talking something shitty.

Healthy eating is fine but most of them don’t understand what is working right for their body. I mean there is a common theory that each and every individual requires different amount of nutrients and supplements. A “NUTRITIONIST” might know this but the main point of this explanation is that we need to secure a right amount of knowledge before consuming those items.

Most of the individuals have that kind of mindset, when they listen to the word rich or healthy, they start preferring those items. Then they try to acknowledge others with what they have heard. That’s why it is very important to know what you are consuming. So we will take this matter with another perspective. You might be thinking about why people living in rural areas live longer than the individuals living in urban areas.

Even though you might feel that there is difference between wealth but there is also a lot of difference in their health too. You might feel that lockdown has made you gain extra calories but wait there are rare one’s who never gained extra weight i.e. they maintained their body even in this biggest lockdown. There are several mistakes we do in our daily routine. I will explain this point wise.

1. Uncontrolled Temptations

As I explained before that humans have several desires. And one of them is consuming food. It’s not only consuming food, but we care more about its taste and texture. Which means we will eat those food items that tickles our taste buds. And you know what they are mainly the street food items or deep fried snacks. Yes, it’s unhealthy but we can’t control our desires and then we feel guilty after it passes through the intestine.

But even after feeling guilty, it doesn’t stop at all and afterwards, we move to the second piece and so on.



Yes, you heard it right. But there is a limit to it. When you try to spread your hand beyond that limit then you are actually hurting yourself.

Deep fired snacks or fast foods are called unhealthy because it’s not preferable in large quantity as it increases weight. We have that kind of misconception that fast food is always unhealthy. Whenever you go beyond a limit with anything, no matter in whatever field you are, it hurts somewhere and that’s the universal rule. Right amount of consumption is always safe.

2. No Proper Amount Of Exercise

There will be people, guarantied who will follow the first step and forget this one. Exercise? It might not sound good for you but even healthy eaters never perform well because they miss this point.

You will find someone in your family who will eat healthy food but lie on the couch all the time. Common man, the next day he will be going to poop it out everything. It sounds like a pooping machine! So what’s the use of that rich diet? And then think about weight.

Damn, you are wasting your money. It’s like failing the exam even after studying for long hours. Yes, it sounds similar to it. I don’t understand how someone can be so irresponsible with this kind of routine. A person who studies fifteen hours a day and still fails the exam is an unimaginable thought, right?

But yes, these kind of stuff exist because I have seen them in reality. It’s because of lack of understanding and improper concentration. Just imagine, you open a page of a book and sit ideal without reading it for fifteen hours. Of course even after such long hours you won’t be able to pass that exam taken on that single page.




And that’s the fact because you can’t rely on others. You need to work from your side in order to get results. You can never be dependent on a product unless your work for it. That’s the formula.

3. Following Other’s Routine

As I have explained this before but let me clear this out because it’s really a very important point. Just like I said before that what suits for others won’t suit for you. It’s not only applicable with what kind of food you eat but it’s important to your entire routine.

Someone who has got nice abs and muscles might impress you but if you try to do the same then it might not give you similar results.

There is a kind of chain that’s going around the world because of development in technology and internet. As we are getting close to each other, the more we are trying to connect with everyone around. But instead or trying everything, one thing you can do is to create your own routine which best suits for you.

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