Why You Should Be Grateful For This Pandemic


Grateful for Pandemic? Am I reading a post which says we should be grateful for this pandemic? I know there are so many questions in your mind but, the truth is this pandemic has taught a lot of people many important lessons. And these lessons which could never have been understood throughout our life was taught by a virus. So I will reveal them one by one that will help you to have reality check over yourself.

Business Ideas


A budget restricted family can survive on a job till the company survives and once it loses its revenue or starts falling in the pool of liabilities then nothing can be expected than termination of employees. A virus has made people jobless. A workplace might be friendly with you or you might like working there as you have enough friends. But in this world of constant instabilities and hunger nothing is greater than money. And when it comes to money friends can also become enemies.

In this current moment, we have that kind of understanding that spending time with friends in the canteen area or near to the smoking area is the best thing. But actually we don’t understand that we are creating fool of ourselves. Those gossips and chitchats we do at workplace every day was changing our mindset and attraction towards job.

We were thinking that a particular job was everything. But when some people who were closely connected with their jobs got terminated and it was one of the greatest shock for them. Even the most experienced one’s who thought that job is life were hurt. But this hurt can actually be called as a lesson. This termination says that no matter how better you are in your field there is nothing more important than money.

We all are working to earn money. But why can’t we own a business. A termination like this might look disrespectful, but that’s the reality of job seekers. Don’t you think that’s a treatment like a slave? And we are none other than slave for some of the companies. It is because we all are dying for job. We are dying for someone who has enough fortune and can do whatever they want.

Then why can’t job seekers build their own fortune? Why we are always under wrong impression? It’s because of that old habit, which we have secured from our parents or our colleagues. That thought which we always think. Yes, security and safety comes first. Risk taking is fatal.

In this manner we process our thoughts. But really? If everyone would have been dependent on a job over a lifetime then there would have been no companies or industries at all. If you think risk taking was dangerous than a job, then at the current rate there would have been not a single company or a business alive.

And that is what you have been triggered with a myth. Most of the people think risk-takers totally invest their fortune in that project or idea. But no they invest half or even less than that into their ideas so that even if they fail to achieve they would be able to recover it from their personal savings.

They take consistent efforts and the growth gradually increases. So if you compare growth of a businessman with a job person than no matter how much small the business is a businessman will always flourish from every point of view.

The important point here we should note it down is a business though takes time to grow, but at the end it’s important to enjoy life. The way business gives you freedom to enjoy vacations or trips, there is no such job which could actually provide you with that kind of enjoyment. A job is pain or struggle for life while the starting point of business is more painful.

So this coronavirus might have dumped many businesses around but remember they are still surviving. And the owner takes the major profit from them. A job is totally a dependent game. You won’t stand anywhere in the crowd if the competition is high. And further, the competition for jobs will be more because of increase in the population after this coronavirus vanishes out from the surrounding.

Online Growth


There is a lot of competition online. Am I right? We have more time to play games or scroll though the social media feed. So why only few people achieve online growth. First and most importantly I would like to mention here is that online growth is more powerful than the offline growth. If you compare with the rate then the online content has more chances to go viral than what you are doing in offline.

So why do very few people achieve this mark or growth? I know many of you might have the same question because these two modes have totally different dimensions. Whatever we publish as online can get lost in the crowd easily.

And yes it gets loss in the crowd because of the competition. What happens is that most of the people upload what they are thinking in order to earn money. The most crucial word here is earning and every single individual fails here because they work for earning money.

Let me tell you that it’s not easy to make your content viral because everyone wants to try it. Since platforms are free so everyone gets an opportunity to do it. Some people do it as an earning purpose, while some of us have a great passion. But here struggles win more than just interest.

A passion in it’s true meaning is consistent hard work for what we love. If you are not passionate about what you are doing then there is no way to crack the online competition. You will fail miserably. And that is why almost everyone gives up quickly when they produce something online, but never get anything in return.

If you closely observe the pandemic situation then most of the people will start doing this in order to earn money. They will produce quality content in order to earn something. But producing online content is easy and hoping results makes them insane.

Internet is a very great tool to dominate your online presence but at the same time it can take a lot of energy from you at the beginning. If you are really passionate about it then nothing can stop you.

This pandemic has increased the online viewership and therefore it’s actually good opportunity to grow your skills. You can only stand out from that stage if you struggle hard every day. Online content consumes a lot of time, but its growth is unimaginable. Further, the future will be more relying on online education after this pandemic ends so don’t quit. There is a solid opportunity lying in front of you, just do it.

Don’t Pamper Yourself


This has been one of the best lessons we all might be suffering. Occupying bed for a longer period of time. You know what, there is a limit of spending time at home. Have you experienced that frustration of being under lockdown for so many months? Yes, everyone did because that’s the truth. If we try to sleep the entire day, it might be bad for our physical health.

When we capture someone into a cage the amount of frustrations and tensions can increase by just sitting at one place. We humans require time away from loneliness and that’s what make us feel good. It’s not only about me or you, but everyone in this world requires sufficient amount of time to spend in the surrounding in order to deal with those thoughts or else our mind might turn negative because of irritation or annoyance.

Comfort zones is our precious place to relax and feel comfortable. Right? But how did you feel while cuddling in your bed restricted from outdoor access in the coronavirus pandemic? Yes, we can’t imagine those tragic moments. Some countries might had lifted the lockdown restrictions, but some of them didn’t.

Our comfort zones can be fatal if we lie down hoping of change in lifestyle. Change is not possible unless we try to do so. Comfort zone is basically for those kids who are small and are under development. This pandemic has taught all of us about these important points which should be taken under considerations.

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