Why You Should Be Low Key


What do you do when you buy a new pair of sport shoes or expensive clothes? What will you do after buying it? You won’t stay low-key or like introvert. Guess…I can actually read your mind. It will be first showing off to your friends. Am I right? And then after they loved it seeing those limited edition things, you will then wear them, upload it on social media platform and gain some likes and comments.

After that you will wear them on various occasions and functions. After using two or three times, you will discard them. So what is the reason for buying those expensive clothes? I know and you might be thinking the same. Yes, it is because you want to showcase them it to your friends. And undeniably you want to get a lot of positive reviews. What will you do of those positive reviews?

Will they help you in your future or something like that? And that is how we are wasting our crucial amount of time in finding happiness in these small things. In order to get more number of likes and shares, we will do anything and in that sense we will look over doing extraordinary things just like the above example. We are so much addicted towards complements and appreciations that we get lost in its ocean.

That is how problem starts arising into your life. We are so much dependent on others opinion, suggestions and comments that we don’t ever think about ourselves. It is said that first impression is your last impression. But no one ever said that when you look at the mirror, you are the first person to get impressed.

It is that thought which makes us feel hungry and that hunger is never fulfilled. It is because we cross our limits and most importantly we never settle at one place. People who are addicted to complements won’t feel good when they are criticized. And who feels good about it? But in case of these individuals who are always busy in trying out new stuffs become part of this tragic chain.

It starts from our family and colleagues and then we start showing up to the external world. What we are seeing on social platform is sort of same and applies universally to these kind of individuals. But as you know that there are unstable people too in this society, who are always spreading hatred and violence.

So when such individuals who always expect love in return, never have that ability to face heavy criticism. The comfort zone in which they are in acts as a way to welcome only kind people. But when they step out from that comfort zone, their blessing turn into curse. The amount of trolls which are in the form of critics destroy them internally.

They even feel like quitting their work because it exceeds the limit. It feels getting punched hundred time on the belly. That feeling never goes off. And that is how youngsters are being played.


“Don’t Express Because You Are Free, Our Own Freedom Can Become Toxic.”

It’s so true because the amount of violence we are suffering through is more closely related to our freedom of expression. You might be thinking that how is that even possible? Okay, so we will first understand that why freedom is important. You might be giving those old stories, and the way we were discriminated due to the unworthy myths in the society. Isn’t it?  So do you think that in the modern period they still exist?

Those were the olden days and it was on the basis of that old tradition. Now, the modern period is creating modern issues and it is requiring modern solutions. The modern myths are created due to more amount of personal freedom. The way we are evolving our minds is lacking any sense and there are no emotional understandings involved which is giving rise to unworthy thoughts.

In those earlier days, what used to happen is that there was no freedom of expression and the beliefs were digested without thinking about the same. Now, the system has changed and more number of people are making use of it. As we know that whenever we cross our limits, it injures and harms us. Similar is the situation happening right now. In the name of freedom, people are talking shit.

They are trying to surpass their limits by talking unworthy shit and in turn hurting themselves. We are using freedom to perform cruelty. But why this cruelty is happening? Have you ever asked yourself? Why there are so many unworthy comments not only on the social media platforms but even in the practical world. There are so many crimes happening around due to shit which is called as “freedom”. Do you think this is called as freedom?

And in the name freedom we are exposing ourselves. The human tendency is shaped in such a manner that once it gets its taste, then he or she never leaves it. And that is how addictions are formed. Presently, we still have freedom to expose our personal thoughts, but there is a trigger warning.

It can damage your mental health and if you still want to taste it then proceed no will stop you. Actually performing actions is very important because the ones who speak are hardly able to achieve it. Instead of talking, you need to do it practically and in a very sensible manner.


First of all, we will first understand the meaning of low-key. According to the English dictionary, low-key means modest or restrained. In simple words it means less showy. Staying low-key has many advantages because it enables our power of thinking and understanding everyone’s perspective.

It is said that the less you talk, the more you understand and yes it is very true because when we talk less, we are able to concentrate more. Our concentration power increases and we are able to understand and think wisely.

Freedom should be enjoyed but don’t make use of it to pass invaluable comments because people are going to ultimately criticize it. Staying low-key can help us a lot because we are able to gain more amount of insight and knowledge through it.

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