Why You Should Make Your Own Decisions


When we were child almost most of the decisions were taken by our parents, since they were found to be best in understanding the depth of our talents, skills etc. They knew what was required in us and depending upon our strength and weaknesses, they made sure to educate us in the best schools. Schools were thought to be the primary source of knowledge and still it is true only if a child imparts valuable knowledge and uses it in the best possible manner.

Decisions during the childhood stage were almost taken by our parents since we were in the stage of underdevelopment. But what about the current situation? Are you taking decision by yourself? You will feel amazing and sad at the same time after listening to the truth. Most of the decisions even while choosing the smallest one is taken by our parents or the closest relative.

You might not be surprised because most of the people never take decisions by themselves. If you have observed your parents or friends then you can relate to this following example. While shopping online or offline how many of you go through recommendations which are through your friends or something you see on social media. Even while choosing undergarments, we go through reviews and see how much comfortable or soft it might be.

We scan through reviews so many times that we always take and make best through it. We find these reviews helpful, isn’t it? Exactly and that is why most of the people purchase those specific products only. We always feel satisfied that we have made best decisions through those reviews. And sometimes we won’t even look at the product, we just scroll through some reviews and ratings. After looking at those large numbers of reviews, we don’t even think of the price and hit order.

This is the case of almost eighty percent of online customers, and they will go through this process. But this process turns out into a habit. Smallest, largest and even personal decisions are taken through recommendations. Extraordinary People say that while taking decisions about your relationship or passion, never let others to get involved in it. And they say it because they had experienced it.

Personal Relationship and our interest, these two constitute as a purpose of our life. If you don’t have both of them then what is the use of this life? The same question arises on every decision maker, who are trying to make the best decision, but it gets spoiled and ruined thinking through the perception of every unworthy person.

Personal Matters


I think so this is the most important point to involve in this post because we never try to understand ourselves first. Let’s take an example. Suppose you are in a meeting to present your project to your top level managers. And now here is the situation. You have meeting schedule with top level managers for half an hour. During that half an hour of your meeting, you suddenly get call from your friend that one of your family member is injured and is serious.

So now ask yourself and think will you cancel the meeting in order to meet that member or will you continue the meeting further. Of course you will cancel the meeting because it can be someone close to you heart. And if money or promotion doesn’t matter to you, then you will absolutely cancel the meeting there itself. But at the same time your senior managers will find it as a foul play.

They might feel as being cheated and time being wasted. And as simple as that they won’t give attention over you or they will think about electing someone else for the same. It happens and this is a very relevant situation that every employee of an organization faces it someday in his lifetime.

But now if your manager was in such situation, wouldn’t he had done the same thing? And this thing you can’t explain to him and neither he will try to understand it because he is interested in achieving his goals and earning benefits. People can never understand what you are going through.

It can be as simple as a broken relationship or your own struggles and pain. So what you think about the decision? Will you let them decide your fate or will you try to work over it? It’s actually confusing, isn’t it? If you have understood the above situation, then you need to also think about taking decision by yourself. Most of the people never try to understand this point.

No one can understand you better than you. Just imagine you have spent so many years with your body, with your soul, with your mind. You might even have found the taste, smell and which food you like the most. You might have even found your hidden abilities, which no one in your close vicinity know about it. A personality is built not by listening to others but it is made through listening to oneself. And that is going to determine your true value.



A lot of people give suggestions or opinion depending on their experience and those decisions had suited them in their past. Yes, they will give suggestion depending on their mindset and not the way you think about it. Now think and understand about this point. Will you put yourself in their shoes to test what they are saying? Yeah, if it is really going to work and you firmly believe in it, then you will move ahead to test it.

And if it does not suit you after testing, then what will you do? Won’t you trash or discard it? Some suggestions are very healthy and they can completely change our life while some of them are just unworthy. But remember that we all are having different set of values and that is why our behavior is always going to be different. It creates a very unique identity and that is why it is said that always listen to yourself.

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