Why You Should Never Lower Your Standards


So do you have a nice and spacious home with interiors specially designed with intricate patterns? Do you have branded clothes or specially designed clothes by your fashion designer? Do you have a luxurious sports car which you think it as a bit cheap? So you might be having some of these things but does these standards truly make you worthy?

I know it might be a very personal kind of question but please don’t feel infuriated because such questions are very important for your mental and emotional understandings. You might feel very worthy about yourself and your standards but you can never compete with the topmost billionaires. Am I right?

It might make you feel low but remember it should never hurt your internal standard. A lot of people have this misconception that they compare their luxury things or even so called “net-worth” with other individuals which they feel them as competitors.

It might happened with you a lot that you start comparing your boss’s salary with yours. And of course you might like to see yourself in his position after few years. If you are business person then you might be competing with your closest competitor who is selling the same product.

But earning this profit, revenue, money, luxury is really making you worthy. A lot of people say that when you don’t have money, you will start running over money. When you don’t have a proper knowledge you will run behind knowledge and it is an absolute fact.  When you don’t have a meaningful form of success in your life, you will always run behind it no matter how much tired you might be.

But why are we finding worth in these things rather than finding it in ourselves first? Why we are trying to find worth in someone else rather than seeing what is lying within us? A lot of people might have this question and hell yes you too might see this as a very serious kind of problem after thinking about this. Are you really very satisfied with the amount of richness you find in those materialistic things?

I know you won’t because this is not the way to live. This is because the true beauty and richness is actually lying with your thoughts, purpose and most importantly your soul. A kind and peaceful person is loved by all and that is what everyone is looking within you.

No one is looking on your luxury or branded materials because it is not their need. Will you be able to provide money to people around you without even expecting anything in return? For how many days, months, years or lifetime?

Okay, so now don’t say that you are Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Even if you become one of those then to you won’t be able to serve the entire planet. It’s a matter of thinking that if this doesn’t satisfies the value then what really it is. Remember when we say rich almost everyone here and people around you are also rich as per the materialistic living.

But not every time it will be possible that they are blessed with those good values. Good values are basically very hard to find especially in the world where there is constant amount of hatred, cheating and violence going round.

When it comes to meaningful life, a good house, luxury are your extra desires which ultimately will only fulfil your physical requirements but it will never ever be able to satisfy your spiritual, mental or emotional ones. So this is the separate section. Your external can have a high specific standard. But your internal can be at a very low level. So apart from external beauty you also need to satisfy your internal beauty.

Values Make Your Standard!


In the 21st century it is really not that much hard to earn money because of the technology we are using. You might have listened to sponsorships, collaborations, advertisements which generates a ton of money for the content creators. And a lot of people are gaining flexibility to earn a good amount of income, but at the same time a lot of people are losing their core values. Values that actually impact the individual.

The demand for good values is so much because almost everyone is suffering through mental health issues. If you take example of creators, which have large social media following, a lot of them get frustrated with their life and kill themselves. It is because they attract toxic people into their life. Today’s world is focused more on quantity over quality.

And here on this planet most of them are entertainment seekers. Memes, Funny videos, the popularity is rising because actually they are fooling themselves. And remember the content creators who spread some sort of violence in the name of entertainment suffer in the future.

And the main reason behind it is because of the surrounding people. The main point why so many people trap in mental fears is because of the audience they attract. And to attract valuable people, you need to change yourself first. You need to change your internal standards.

Standards which are lying with your values. Because people are only going to appreciate the value you provide. And apart from entertainment there is a certain amount of population which is looking for education and knowledge.

A rich standard is something which values people. Remember unworthy and cheap minded people look for skin color, differences, cruel and hurtful content. So when you keep your surrounding with such people, then there is no way you will be able to change the past.

So before you fall over such tragedy let me warn you that there is something or that special talent lying within each one of us, but the way you impact people will form the real impression of yourself.

Just take example of two people (Please don’t take it in a negative way). The first person is Donald Trump and the second person is Issac Newton. Both of them are humans, of course. They both are performing some scientific experiments.

They are your teachers for a day (Though Newton is not alive). You need to choose one of them in order to understand the concept then whom will you choose or prefer the most. Even the best supporter of Trump won’t give a damn because of the amount of exposure Newton has.

So a lot of people will turn towards Newton rather than choosing the one who doesn’t know the concept. The main point here is that already a lot of people have faith in Issac rather than Trump because he has mastered that field.

So if you want to find the real worth in yourself then you need to improve your internal standards first. Never lower your self-respect because most of the people are never looking over your money. Always remember.

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