Why You Should Never Play The Lottery


When we are frustrated with our daily 9-5 jobs, we try to think about a chance to give it on our luck. And then we think like, yes it is time for winning a huge chunk of money. We wait for those moments to arrive when those digits will be matched with our lottery ticket. And hurray you have successfully lost your money on buying the lottery ticket. In that same amount of money you could have bought a hamburger or a pizza. So how was that feeling when you watched your lotto results and then just nothing happened?

Did you feel more amount of anxiety and frustration? It’s common and nowadays as it is messing our life too much. That lottery ticket is just for name sake and a lot of people like you become a prey to it. I know your feelings. Just move on because there are people like you who have felt the same frustration and they have also lost.

You should actually feel good that everyone has failed except the winner. Remember you are not just alone, there are also people around you, who are playing the same game. It’s actually a moment of appreciation for you. Okay let’s not talk about shit and straight come towards the main point.



So what do you mean by a lottery. Do you know that a majority of people don’t know its actual definition. So according to English dictionary it is a mean  of raising money by selling numbered tickets and giving prizes to the holders of numbers drawn at random.

So first of all it is held by selling tickets and whatever money you are paying goes in someone else’s pocket or if you are lucky it will return back. That’s what lottery is. And first of all there is no guarantee that money will return because 99.99 percent people lose it and only 0.1 percent of the entire game wins it.

So if you imagine the probability from the outcome then there is no chance at all to win. Suppose if there are ten lakh tickets distributed at random and there are only three prizes for the ticket holders. What can you say if you buy hundred tickets at once? There is still nil percent of chance to win because so many tickets are sold that you can’t even imagine.

Actually the lottery which is arranged by the organization or a company earns the profit. They make money through the number of tickets sold and only set prizes for the winners. It means that the company is actually earning small profit without even actually investing in it. The only investment is advertising and printing. They are playing on your money. And most of the people don’t understand this concept.

Those organization get to know the habit of people i.e. in the hope of winning a big prize, they will buy a ticket. So actually no one is telling or forcing you to buy a ticket. People are forced by the situation they are struggling with. In the lotto game, the majority of people are either working on a fair amount of daily wages or earning a monthly fixed income. So basically it is not for business class people or rich people.

The target audience becomes the poor up to middle class category. So the population is vast and people who are frustrated with life don’t think before buying it. It is all because of money and financial problems. A lottery according to those people means a ray of hope in the darkness. It’s a way similar to gambling but with a small amount. It is due to this addiction and on the basis of situation individuals are automatically forced to buy it. And it also doesn’t require that much of marketing.



Yes, you have absolutely heard it right because this is actually a truth. You are gambling your life in it because you are wasting your time. I have heard many stories about people winning a lottery and ending up poor in few months or years. This is a very important that you need to understand that even winning a lottery doesn’t make you stable. Yes, there are people who have millions and ended up on streets because of lack of education.

That surprising and funny moments feel like pain after hearing such stories. The poor class till the middle class men who are buying lottery tickets come up with ambitions of winning and buying a huge house, jewellery, luxury because they want to feel rich and live rich. There are also some people who had gambled the money won in the lottery and due to bad luck they had to lose all of it. Trust me it has happened to a lot of people.

They feel like they will win more but luck doesn’t play the second game. Lottery winners feel like they are on top of the world and that is why they spend the money on expenses a lot. As you know that inflation is rising every year around the world. They spend it on such items which is actually not required at that time. And due to lack of education they invest all of it in the expenses.

Slowly and gradually, it cuts off every year and after some years the bank balance shows very low amount. What here I want to explain is that when you gain access to free money, you never understand its value. And that is what happening to these winners. They never try to invest in something that will help them to save it in the future. And ultimately it leads to pathetic failure.

Just think when you have won a lottery, your name and photo is on newspaper, on television, but after few years you end up there again. That mindset of even wining a lottery will never ever mean or can be called as success.



Buying a lottery ticket is not bad but if you are wasting your time to put all of your efforts in winning cash, then you are actually useless. Lottery contestants waste their time, on thinking one day they will win that cash. But as we have discussed earlier that the probability is very low and therefore it is useless to spend time on something where you are letting your hopes to be ruined.

Successful people are very different and this is never a strategy and it will never ever be. First of all, you cannot avoid struggles and second is that there is no easiest route. The only route is hard work. People who buy lottery tickets never ever work with the mentality of building their platform or making their purpose. They are solely dependent on prize and that is what they always think as success.

Remember if that success was written on winning a lottery ticket then this world would have been the worst place to be ever lived. The economies of several nations would have been slashed. And the survival could have been the toughest. So please if you are having that mindset of winning a lottery someday, then you need to forget to make your life beautiful.

There is no matter of luck for becoming successful and you should know it. Instead invest it in yourself in building your platform or a business. Don’t waste your time on unworthy hopes. They will never ever make you successful.

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