Why You Should Never Take Anyone For Granted


One of the biggest mistake you could do is finding out success living an average life and missing the importance of true freedom. It happens because of our negligence, lack of desire towards work which can build our growth. We only work for our needs i.e. food, technology, money and friends. We can live without clothes and shelter as per the modern perception because we taken it for granted. Isn’t it? You might be thinking what is wrong in this but at least you are losing the importance of yourself by ignoring the value of these things. Shelter though looks cheap but can cost you an entire life to purchase it. Nothing can be said about clothes. People wear trash calling out as a style. Similarly we are also missing the importance of inculcating good values for our overall development.

Values though might evolve naturally or hereditary but as said by humans that we are not perfect. So if you are not perfect, will you spoil yourself more? Will you like to ruin your life more? Of course no but at the same time because of our negligence towards it, we often end up being unsatisfied. People form attraction towards materialism and nothing is there beyond this.

Now even emotions like love has become materialistic. Though we might act or behave in an emotional manner but that lies only for few moments and the next day you end up in a breakup. The problem is that we give importance to mess, ugly, poor things and cheap humans.

Let’s take a small example. Suppose you marry a person who is humble, honest, hard-working and positive. No one can ever think of cheating with that person because even during the worst time, he/she still creates a positive environment. But what happens is that you think this person won’t help you to live a happy life. You start giving more amount of importance to unknown people who come in the middle of your way.

Slowly and gradually you start losing the importance of your partner and leave him/her all alone in the dark. You start putting restrictions on him/her. So do this restriction really degrade the respect of the person? It actually makes you liable because how much time will you be able to control that person. You can never cage a person and once he/she realises it then no one can stop this from happening.


The thinking level is different, our values are different and our behaviour is variable. Though we might have differences in perspective but even if the person doesn’t match your level of maturity, you still must respect him/her. What happens is that we often ignore those people, who are not much wealthy in terms of money and if their thoughts are cruel, then no one would like to be with them.

Even if the person has no respect in the society or community but it’s still your responsibility to respect them. The reason behind this is we are in the stage of development. The society might see it at the stage of maturity but as the generating gets evolved, the perception, level of thinking changes automatically. The best example you can take is about women empowerment.

In olden times they weren’t respected much than what we are seeing right now. At that time the scenario was quite different and as per the ethics and culture, people maintained that thinking level. But after few generation, as women showed their strengths in different fields they are now able to hold a comfortable place in the society. Some values still remain in our genes because they are hereditary.

No matter how perfect it seems to be but it hasn’t accomplished much. There are individuals who are biased from their childhood as they are raised in that kind of environment. The important idea to note here is the situation. The time has changed and because of this our thinking has changed.

And this makes the person even more valuable than the way society was seeing it before. That’s why every human needs to be respected because no one knows how a person might change. And it might get too late in the near future.

Better Tomorrow


We often forget those people who have worked with us, then no matter it might be a classmate, a friend, or even your ex. They all are important even if one of them is your closest enemy because all teach important lessons. During these times we forget those people who have helped us a lot. For example, a student who wants to rank first in the school will put his/her hundred percent into it.

As per the expectation he/she might be able to achieve that rank. And that can be one of the happiest moment. But what lies important is the respect towards those people who have made it possible. In this case, it can be mother, parents, grandparents etc. No one should feel like that even after helping the person, he neglected me. At last it all depends on your emotions and your thought process.

There are people who give all the credit to themselves and forget to appreciate the ones who have raised them. There are also some people who try to ask for credit and even if given enough credit, they are never satisfied. You need to take it as a responsibility from your side and not think about it much because if done so it will cause much more amount of tension.

One should keep in mind that every individual has some purpose no matter how small it might be. Even the smallest object is built with an intention. It deserves to be respected and at the same time you need to think about life without them. Suppose if you don’t get water for even a day, how much struggling it can be. Understand about that side too because they are very important part of our life. Your respect will make them stay for longer term. Remember this

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