Why You Should Not Always Be Available For Someone


Ron was in love with his dear friend Selena. First they were best friends, afterwards they fell in a relationship. And every day they used to text each other. Their timings were fixed. It was as early as in the morning or during the night time before sleep. He used to always be available for her. The relationship was slowly growing and the bond was becoming stronger and stronger with every passing day.

It was seen as a responsibility to message each other even during times when Ron used to be busy on his regular duties in his night shift. Selena was slowly showing no interest in Ron because of her friend John. John was undeniably intelligent and a great social influencer.

Selena fell in love with his social profile. He had almost 500K followers on Instagram and total hundred million views on YouTube. John was very fluent in English and also knew Spanish, French and German. While Ron was focused on his daily Job and performing his responsibilities on time.

He was organized person. Selena saw that she was happy to be with John and started catching feelings for him. After few weeks Ron never got replies to those messages. She blocked Ron and even deleted his contact for sake of her love on John. Every day Ron used to message Selena but she never replied. It cringed him so much that he never knew what was happening.

Years pass by and one day while scrolling through his Instagram social media feed, he saw photo of Selena with John which was captioned as married and blessed. It tore him and slowly, gradually he went into depression. While on other-hand Selena was enjoying with her dear-husband, who used to always surprise her with precious gifts.

They both lived happily and that was the tragedy of Ron’s life. If this has happened to you before then I am sorry for hurting your feelings. Yes, it is true because it happens with almost every individual who dreams of a formal and happy relationship. But currently the situation has changed in such a drastic way that we hardly get to see any stories of true love.

In the name of love and relationship we are almost selling ourselves because of that burning and unworthy desire which we all have within us. For men that might be a beautiful and good-looking woman and for a woman it might be a husband who will fulfil her wishes and wants.

Unfortunately we never look over a human being who is enough wealthy from heart and shares those struggling moments of his/her life. This every shitty situation starts from only one point and that is the most important element of every individual’s life. Yes, it is ‘time’ which we ignore the most but plays a crucial role at every moment. Actually it is not the time but how you use it is the most important part.



A lot of people say that time is money, but do they really respect it? I bet even you won’t because half our time is wasted in scrolling through our social media feed and giving out random likes and follows to people. Now tell me what do you get from this shit?

It is said that we are always available for someone whom we love because of the fear of losing them. Isn’t it? You might have experienced this through the above example that how Ron used to give time for Selena, but after finding John she left him miserable and in tears.

Similarly we shouldn’t spend time socialising with people because it will be actually hurting your productivity. And overall it will degrade your thinking if people around have toxic mentality. The more you will feel that you are free the more you will suffer through the cheap ideologies of surrounding people.

Okay, you might also be saying that how about spending time with great innovators and thinkers. People who have great and innovative thinking might be beneficial for you in terms of business or some idea, but remember when there are exchange of emotions, it also hinders our thought processes. In simple terms they are no good for your mental health.

Actually when we are sharing our thoughts we share our emotions. We share that every moment of our life and when we feel connected to them, then no matter how much distant we are, we just can’t live without them. And that is why we fail. We fail to achieve the purpose of our life. We humans are social animals and that is why we love to socialise.

At the same time it is also affecting our work and passion. Remember it is beneficial to invest that same amount of time in our work rather than spending it with our friends and unworthy or unwanted relationships. Some or other day humans will show their true colours and you should never forget that ultimate fact.



That certain population of people who are successful and living their lives at a far better level have one thing in common. Can you guess what it is? If you observe a wealthy and rich thought minded individual, then there is one common idea. And that is avoiding unworthy social interaction.

It contributes the largest part of their overall success. This is so much true because successful people never discuss shits with people and they only talk about learning and education. If you keep your aim high then you won’t be discussing or exchanging unworthy thoughts with people of average mindset.

Average mindset people never grow because they only think about working with their colleagues and friends. They only think about spending quality time after their work is over. Successful people are totally different because they not only think about their work, but they even think about their future and deal with businesses.

Average people talk shit because they always remain immature and set up very high expectations. While successful aim high keeping in mind about the reality. It is because they think about the reality in a deep manner. A lot of people live average life because of lack of education. They carry degree certificates but still lack knowledge.

Socialising can actually affect our mindset in severe manner because of influence of internet. Platforms which are connecting us close to each other can become a very stressful situation. Time is important but the way you use it is much important. For these successful individuals every minute matters and just like every drop of water creates an ocean, they too create large empire by themselves.

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