Why You Should Not Depend On Others


From birth till death we always depend on someone who will help us in living this life. When we are born, the development starts from our mother’s care. As a baby, we had requirement of breastfed milk, so our mother made it possible. After that stage, while joining kindergarten, our father guided us through the process to education

That process in which we all have gone through, isn’t it? Then afterwards while making through the higher level education, we were dependent on those coaching classes or a home tutor. Still some of the students rely on them because they are unable to understand on their regular classes. After getting promoted through the university we depend on jobs and that is how we live our life.

Dependency is everywhere and that is what ruining us. We are humans and most importantly we are free, but we are dependent since we are always feared of taking risks. Just like a person who is having 9-5 job won’t quit it for starting business unless he gets a proper experience. But that day never ever arrives because he fits himself in that routine which forces him to do so.

Those habits play a very crucial role in shaping our lives. If we let them play with our beautiful life, it will play for a longer period of time. And someday you will feel and remember that dependence really killed those dreams. Remember this is reality and we need to play accordingly.

What we see in movies or those dramatic films are some sort related but it is still not enough to show you the extremes of the reality. So this post is going to cover the dangerous part of dependency and how we can avoid it successfully.

When we are dependent on someone, we become part of them and it feels uneasy without them. Just like we discussed in the above example that how a child requires milk to survive when he is born. Now suppose if that baby doesn’t get breastfed milk?

Okay, you might say we will use normal bottled milk. But what if there is no milk available at all. Will that baby be able to survive without it? Of course not and most importantly we will think that there is no way at all because the baby is still at that stage of dependency. So we fit that statement on our minds that “Since baby is immature and at that phase of learning, we need to take care of it.”

But now think about yourself, aren’t you dependent on anyone? Aren’t you dependent on your partner for love? Aren’t you dependent on your job for money? Actually our life is controlled on dependency and when we don’t get those things, we feel disheartened and slowly it forms a pain. Even when we are in love, we depend on that person at a very emotional level and afterwards it becomes such a tragedy that we can’t even imagine.



So this dependency starts from one point that is our vision. Here vision meaning what we see or observe. We will choose those things which make us feel good or something which has a gentle feeling. Just like touch of your partner or kind words of a leader while giving a speech. It makes us feel good or you can also get inspired and touched by those words.

But first of all it is not because of our heart, but it is because of our vision that makes us feel good. Let’s take an example, suppose there are three men in front of you. The first one is ugly by appearance, the second is fair and the third one is the most beautiful handsome guy you ever saw in your life. You are given a duty to promote a product through advertisement.

So which one will you choose to advertise that product? You might look at the first and second guy, even after knowing that there shouldn’t be colour discrimination, you will definitely choose the third option. It is because you are always choosing something which fits your vision. You won’t choose something which will cause hole in your pocket or you might lose money.

A lot of people choose dependency on what they see. Just like while choosing clothes, one will prefer intricate design and colour which matches their feelings. So what happens is that we feel comfortable with those things or people and this gives rise to trust. Trust through the external beauty and what we had felt at that time.

That is what humans never realise. Just think why do so many people suffer through breakups? It is because they depend on that person. Their feelings depend on that person. And then what, they deal with breakups like what others do.



This is one of those problems that we suffer when we are dependent on someone. As we discussed earlier that when we are dependent on someone, we expect and feel emotionally connected to them. But basically this kind of dependence will always kill you. The tendency of human being is generally shaped in such a manner that those expectations should always be fulfilled. Then no matter what it might be. It can be as simple as fulfilling your wants.

This is the main reason behind dependence and it is affecting a lot of people. There are very few people who actually work hard and try to work alone for their success. They never expect anything from others because they are always on that path of independency. These rare people contribute towards development and growth of the society. While rest of them work for fulfilling their expectations.

It’s a sad reality but think logically. It matters because no one will be going to feed you for the rest of your life. A parent has to die someday. A mother will leave her child because we are humans. And that is how this system works. It doesn’t matter where you are, you can rise from scratch even without any help.

Today we have an incredible technology which is impacting several lives. We can use it to find our way. Today things are becoming a lot simpler because you can ask your doubts while sleeping or while reading a book. The world is changing in its own way, and in this fierce competition you need to find who you are. You need to build your purpose and play accordingly. Never depend on others.

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