Why You Should Not Question God


I still remember those filmy scenes in which heroine dies and hero is left in tears. And do you know who they blame it on? Yes, you have guess it correctly. It’s God and it is one of the ideal reason because he doesn’t exist. Suppose there is a person who troubles you every day, and you cannot fight with him because he is physically stronger than you.

So you will think bad about him because he is troubling you a lot. Isn’t it? But you won’t ever tell him because you are absolutely feared of his dominance. You will think about beating or punching him in the near future, but won’t ever do that. And similar is the case of those films which points out God as the form of this tragedy. It not only happens in those films but even in the reality.

Whenever a negative situation takes place we first point our fingers towards the creator of this planet for making such situations. Isn’t it? Have you ever seen your parents or grandparents blaming God even after doing nothing? Even the people who try to do good deeds with the expectation of receiving something in return, also become a part of those toxic thought process.

But why do we blame God when we are entangled in a negative situation? It’s a very common question and the worst part is that we will successfully blame God for making our life miserable. But when we have won money or a prize pool we will never ever remember about him because we will be busy in those celebrations and getting constant appreciations from people.

We will totally forget what had happened in the past and chill, this is a very common human tendency because it is happening with each one of us. God is becoming a center of all our feelings. Whenever we are going through some disaster in life, we will first point towards him. But does really God exist? It might be or not depending upon our perspectives of thinking.

For some, due to the magical moments which had happened in their life, God might be seen as physical aspect in terms of structures and figures. And for some it might be just a belief of some kind of energy existing on the planet. They might believe in it but still won’t be satisfied by the results or incidents happening around.

But still the question arises why do we blame God? Even the ones who don’t believe in God start blaming him when some odd situations takes place.



Let’s talk about the ideal believer of God, who perform daily prayers for the sake of protection and security. This security comes up with financial stability, mentally as well as emotionally. Additionally they also want protection for their family as well as for their friends and close relationships.

So this things don’t come up free and that is why humans assume that God will gift them some or other thing by praying to him. In those olden days, there were stories that their wishes were fulfilled because of their belief in him. So the ones who believed in him started following this and it became as the biggest tradition and still till date we are sticking to it.

We all go to some holy place in order to pray. Isn’t it? But almost eighty percent of those prayers are actually wishes and gifts you wanted. Come on, be truthful that have you ever done this? We never pray for benefitting others instead we look over ourselves.

And yes, you can also say that we become selfish in such situation. We only think about ourselves and our needs. Once they get fulfilled, we will offer more number of prayers or we will also do something in order to satisfy him.

This happens with most of the people and the ones who are suffering a lot will always go to those holy places because only of that belief. And this gives rise to dependence and attachments. Attachments usually takes place when we are frustrated with our life and we need someone on whom we can remain dependent.

We have that kind of mindset which we always think that God will fulfil all of our wishes, and this makes us more dependable on him. Take an example, we all are blessed with parents and they fulfil our needs. For us they can be called as our God. Suppose one day that your parents fly off to some other place leaving you alone then how will you feel?

Now since we are here talking about a human, we will feel frustrated, ultimately leading to anger and rise of negative emotions. We will even talk bad about them since it will feel like being cheated. The same thing happens with believers, who do everything as much as possible in order to get that particular thing. They put down their entire energy in those expectations and when it doesn’t get fulfilled, at last we feel broken.



A typical mentality of a common and average human is accepting free gifts rather than working over it. Isn’t it? Won’t you accept free gift, if someone offers you? Now don’t say no because we will never reject something which is free except kick on ass.

The ones who totally have faith in God expect him to do something and remember such kind of mentality can really hurt you a lot. People who pray never achieve because it is the hard work that needs to push off in order to get the required output.

“Having Faith in God is okay but depending on that faith can actually kill you.”

It’s true because no one till now has achieved something without hard work. If you let God complete your work, then it will only remain as dream because even for that faith to work, you need to struggle. There are people who want output without struggling and when they don’t get, they start blaming God for the same. Since God doesn’t exist physically we never mind. But remember you are keeping faith in it and you are spoiling it too.

There is difference between faith and blind faith. Blind faith is that kind of toxic love in which we live without any purpose. We live only for fulfilling our needs which is satisfied by the person to whom we are dependent on. Such kind of blind faith will never help you and you will trap yourself in the darkness. When you have faith, work over it. Don’t just sit ideal. There is nothing God can do for you because he might be in the form of invisible energy. Never question or try to blame him for your results.

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