Why You Should Stop Living In The Past


“So how was your day?” A very common question asked by our parents to inquire about our state of emotion. Though it might be irritating but they ask it in order to know about problems or any pain we might be going through by mourning over our past. So how many times you tell your parents that it was the best day of my life or make them feel good.

It’s not easy to remain happy on a consistent basis. But it is also not right to remain sad or disappointed every day. And this generally happens to those who dwell on their past worries and problems. No matter how much better their day is they can’t ever speak positive and they always play the role of victim.

They create that kind of mentality because of their values. Their values say a lot because if this would happen with every human then no one in this world would have worked hard enough to make themselves grow in their lives. Living in the past means expecting to alter out things which have already taken place.

The best kind of example you can take is of a rejection. Rejection while building a great career can be very much disappointing. And these rejection generally happen to every human. No matter where you are from, everyone has to go through this undeniable phase of life. Those who get disappointed very easily are never aware or note down this thought in their heads.

They never take it with seriousness and only keep dreaming of big rewards. It’s absolutely okay to dream of big things in life but know what the reality is. If you don’t stick to the reality then no matter how much struggles you pour into the work, it will always make you feel low. Majority of disappointments in life come from rejections itself.

Even if the things don’t go accordingly, we might adjust to it but if there’s a sign of failure we will take it only as a failure of our life. This is about career but when we talk about relationships, feelings turn out to be at worst phase. There’s not a single relationship we feel to be perfect. Then that can be with our father, mother, girlfriend/boyfriend, sister or brother.

And here one of the important reason is our own expectation of perfection. How many times you expect your relationships should work according to you. Every time, isn’t it? And that won’t happen because everyone won’t be aligned as per your expectation. You cannot have control over the real world. If someone wants to break up with you he/she will do.

 If someone wants to hurt you he/she will do it with aggression. We live in the past because we hold on our grudge, guilt and most importantly our expectation. There’s nothing beyond this because humans constantly entangle between these three emotions. We live in past either of these three reasons or there’s no reason to worry about the past at all.


Your past can never become your future only if you accept your present. This is because the past is a different than your present. But if you continue worrying about the past then it will also live in present as well as in future. In simple words the time will move as per its way but your problems won’t ever get solved.

Present is the agent between your past and the future. Just like when you don’t choose the right agent it will create a problem for the future. Similarly if you don’t make a decision then the past and present will carry your worries into the future. Many people think that their past condition will always remain unchangeable in the future which is not true at all.

Unless and until you don’t discard your past you won’t be able to flourish in the present. Past cannot be changed no matter how much you try. What has happened previously might happen next time but it all depends on how you act. If you don’t let it happen then it won’t take place. Future is uncertain but the risk of uncertainty can be mitigated by working in the present.

Future is the only period which can change regardless of what you do in the present. But that doesn’t mean you won’t work at all. Just like we invest our money into a company for returns in the future, we need to put enough efforts into our present. Though things might not work accordingly but you won’t feel guilty of not working hard at all.

Guilt is a very common feeling among humans when they lose the opportunity which can easily be taken in the present. Unfortunately it already becomes their past. At last there is only one way to become successful in life and that is to live in the present moment. So always remember that no matter what happens to your past never ever take those negative thoughts into your present.

It might not be easy to digest the pain but if you work hard on your present then you will easily forget your past as well. At last there is no permanent happiness in life. All of those happiness or sadness arise from your present/current emotional state. If you keep your present state of mind happy, you will be able to seek permanent happiness forever. That’s the only formula for creating happiness within yourself.

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