Why You Shouldn’t Always Trust Your Gut Instincts


So called “inspired” or “motivated” people will say that trust your gut wherever you are. They will also say that not to listen to critics and just follow your gut instincts. This is because they are brainwashed that following gut instincts makes you successful. If that’s true for you then you need to read this post because you have been motivated for a temporary period of time.

Once you get to know the truth automatically you will feel that you should have analysed it well before. It’s very much important to understand what gut feeling is. Some people have this bad habit where they choose to do things randomly according to their feelings and then fall into deep shit. Sorry to say because it is the reality.

You might have experienced this a lot of times when you are giving an MCQ examination. There can be four or more than four options to choose. There can be at least one or more than one answers which are correct. MCQ’s for most of the people are like choose one answer which is most accurate to your gut feeling.

Taking advantage of this situation students try to top the examination. Yeah but there’s the administration who will never let us live an easy life like this. Probably they will put all of the options which are accurate to your gut feeling. And if you don’t study sensibly then there’s hundred percent chance that you will fail. That’s how MCQ’s become tough in an entrance exam where the competition is highly unstable.

If you try to focus on your instincts then most of the times you will fall prey to uncertainty. Study says that we humans try to find out patterns. Just take an example of pattern in a stock market. People do earn by understanding the pattern the stock market but at the same time there’s high chance of losing money. Humans who bet over stocks don’t always stand a chance of booking profits.

If things don’t turn up the price might move in the opposite direction which will incur a loss. When we talk about pattern we mean that there’s something which is repeating after a set interval. It is very easy to find a pattern using screeners or any gadget but it’s very difficult to predict the future. And that’s because of the uncertainty which exists everywhere around us.

So you might have a question in your mind that when to trust our gut instincts. What I firmly believe is that gut instincts should only be trusted when you are on the verge of do and die situation. The most elaborate example I can give is that of a war.

Suppose you are a civilian and sudden clashes start between two states. You are in the middle surrounded by the soldiers and innocent people are running in helter-skelter. Most of them are getting stampede in the crowd. So what will you do in this situation?

Will you wait there open Google and search how to escape from war or find some way by yourself. You will try to hide, burry yourself or find a shelter but you won’t remain that calm to surf Google. That’s how our gut instincts work. It’s an immediate reaction to a time limited situation



Just imagine you are given a rifle to handle without any instruction from your seniors or any manual. At first impression you will be pleased to try it by yourself, isn’t it? You will experiment it in different ways to understand how it works. But wait remember that’s a weapon and it can hurt you seriously or you might even die.

After carrying the weapon in your arms you feel great, you believe in yourself that you can shoot. But just within second of pressing trigger you get hurt badly on your face. We humans when we try something for the first time, we feel at the top of the world. But what about the rest of the task. Even in business, many people take wrong decisions especially young entrepreneurs. When we listen to entrepreneur we feel at the top of the world, isn’t it? But that’s just a start of some new journey. Young people should never think of being successful at very early stage of their lives.

Since there is a possibility of facing failure in the future. Humans when don’t have proper experience think themselves as great. It’s very common but after that failure they learn to prepare themselves first. And then they are able to manage through their experience. There’s a slight difference between gut instincts of an experienced person and that of an immature individual.

Experienced person will avoid the past mistakes while the newbie will commit his/her first mistakes. If you really trust your instincts then remember to have enough experience which won’t shatter your expectations. Whereas the ones who have failed after trusting their gut instincts for first time need to accumulate experience at all times. It’s the only way to save yourself from uncertainty.

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