Why You Shouldn’t Ask A Woman Her Age


The most frustrating question that a woman can hear is that someone asking her age. If you are a young guy then remember this is an important lesson for you and for your future. And no it’s not a joke because when guys are impressing girls they ask this question very frequently. Since first impression is the last impression, women might find you as an unworthy guy.

Women nowadays are becoming intelligent since there is rise in mental health issues and toxic relationships. Previously they used to fall very easily and yes it’s still an issue to find the right guy. Since the world is creating fake methods to create love in the form of temporary relationships.

During first dates women basically observe those guys very closely. How do they act and most importantly what they do with their mobile phones. Newbies basically guys who are trying to impress girls at first sight fail miserably and then they die single. Inexperienced guys basically don’t understand how to impress girls and that is why they take solutions from their close friends or colleagues.

And what happens to them is even more humorous. They take advice from their friends who are singles faking to be in relationships. Those friends will never like to see you happy in a relationship with a woman. That is why it is best to implement your own ideas rather than trying to take help from someone. As I said that first impression is last impression and that is why the very much first date or meet needs to be handled with care.

It’s similar to balancing an egg on a spoon. If you lose your concentration then it will lead to a break up before love. Such a sad tragedy for those singles especially for innocent guys and introverts. Impressing a woman is another game but first of all you need to understand that how to communicate with a woman.

Since days are changing and sensible or sensitive women are always in need of guys who will be committed in that long term relationship. They want someone who will be true with the responsibilities and their common goals. But actually the reality turns out to be bitter.

The ones who deserves respect and trust from the hard work find themselves as cheated. It’s because we can’t read the human mind. One can never be a crystal gazer in order to know the status of the future. That is why women avoid to be in relationships because the deserving one’s meet up with shit.


It’s so important to know that every female on this planet are very sensitive over their fairness. Rather than saying fairness we will see it as beauty. Have you seen women always trying to look in the mirrors to know if their skin has become oily or not.

Oh yes, many times and not only that even they will have routine check over their skin tone. Even if they find the slightest change, they will visit the beauty parlor first or someone who can find solution to it.

The major reason behind this is that they feel getting less love from other people. Less love meaning people won’t care or won’t give any kind of attention. Basically they want attention from other people just like an actress in a movie. They feel that beauty is the most important part for seeking attention.

That is why women on this planet are always struggling to look beautiful. They will take their makeup kit whenever they go out. When they are on their jobs, they try to carry at least a handy makeup box.


It’s very common and who doesn’t want to look young. Even men feel like they are young. In women, there is no absolute patience because they just hate growing old. They never want to look like a grandma and that is a wish of every woman on this planet. When a male guy asks a woman her age, they feel like it is because they might be old.

Especially the sensitive women who always feel like “Why is he asking my age?”, “Am I looking too much old?”, “Should I use a hair dye from now on wards”. Such questions make them think more and more doing too much of things.

They even end up doing those things that shouldn’t be done at that age. When two ladies are in a conversation they look at each other’s faces. Women compete with each other because they feel that the other person will get more attention. Being young for them is like being perfect in every manner.

When women grow old, the skin automatically starts ageing. And it’s not under anyone’s control. A person cannot stop the ageing and that is why they take it in a more serious way. They try to apply makeup as much as possible and then when someone close to them touches their face, it feels like that was too much of color. But females never understand because they are always busy in their own world of random competition.

Whenever they roam out like in a party or in a special function, there are more number of chances, they will feel that they are not done with the makeup. Especially during weddings where all the women in the bride’s room make sure that they get more attention by the male guys.

Actually the singles try to take chance to find a match. Some of the couples try to find out their way in this manner. It totally depends upon luck and the right time. Women don’t leave such chances and even guys too feel like it’s a cheery on the cake.


This is the most important point because this is the universal truth. The primary start for makeup was this point. To look better than other women out there. When a female is born in a family, she might feel like her skin color is making difference and there might be problems arising in future. So the dark skin color will get jealous about women who are blessed with white tone.

And truly speaking this is still an issue which is arising due to jealousy between people. In case of women, it’s not an issue but they take it as a competition. When two women fight, it’s better to not indulge in their matter because you might feel like a victim.


Who doesn’t like to be appreciated and women get more number of comments and appreciation messages than men. Yes, absolutely for their struggles to keep that constant glow on their face. They feel like being on top of the world and then touching the sky afterwards slowly and gradually touching the moon, it just never ends.

If you complement woman in a better way, she will feel loved and that is what they want. Gaining appreciation, earning wealth, fame and seeking global attention in order to know how gorgeous and beautiful they are.

Asking woman her age is more about getting a tight slap on the face. But what I personally feel is that a woman shouldn’t judge her skin tone because the true beauty lies within our hearts. Her age doesn’t determine her beauty. In this modern society this issue is getting noticed slowly and people are realizing the importance of being naturally young and beautiful. Age is just a number and we all need to understand this.

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