Why You Shouldn’t Be Strict On Your Child’s Grades

“Why aren’t you studying? Why aren’t you doing your homework regularly? And why are your teachers complaining about you? ” There are so many similar questions that none of the students wants to answer. Even if they answer, they will give some reasons about their poor grades. And that’s what triggers for most of the parents who are trying their hard to invest in their child’s future. I know how much that hard earned money costs you.

For some it might cost more than their worth. And when your child doesn’t learn what you want then of course this might raise your temper. And finally this is the way we are trying to live in this 21st century.

But what if I did tell you that grades will spoil your child’s performance. Yes, no one will accept that because we always want a positive result. Parents always expect from their children to at least get good grades, so that he or she can lead a better life.

Apart from expectations, parents also want their children to shine out bright so that the family might get good response from other people. It’s a usual attitude because low grades won’t attract people around. And their mom or dad might feel ashamed to talk with their relatives or even with their neighbours. There are too many negative impressions about bad grades. Isn’t it?

Half of the entire world living there, respond in this manner because grades are said to be the measure of intelligence. And that same population is struggling to earn money. That sounds pretty weird, but we all are doing the same shitty thing. Job safety has become the primary cause to struggle with financial instability. When coronavirus erupted in between half of the population was struggling through financial problems. To know more about why people were affected through coronavirus you can read this: Why Financial Problems Are Arising In COVID-19 Pandemic

Many people think that education matters to earn money but according to me education matters to develop a good personality. And that development too has some another meaning. Education is not about learning a language or understanding a theoretical concept.

Think Out Of The Box

I might sound lame, but yes it’s true because many individuals have succeeded after they thought out of the box. If you hear successful stories then most common one will be “DUMPING OUT CERTIFICATES IN ORDER TO FULFIL DREAMS”. In today’s world education is more about learning a language, understanding a technical process and by hearting its future use.

And you know what, we are carrying this out for generations. But we are forgetting about the main topic where the world will be facing more drastic changes in the future. And that is the “COMPETITION”. We all are competing within our comfort zones. It means we are following the same usual routine. There is no change at all. Except the summer and winter vacations that we get to enjoy. Apart from that there is no slight change. For a young students, their lectures start at nine and end up in the evening.

For workers or office employees, their jobs also follow the same time period or might be more than that. But what I want to inform you is that even after working hard there is no meaningful change in our routine.




I will explain this in a deep manner. There are various aspects that are common in both Jobs as well as with schools which imparts a habituated actions in students. This elements are one of the most crucial matters, when it comes to Job and Education. Apart from schools they are also included in colleges as well as with various universities. I will explain it point wise.

1. Attendance

You know that people living in urban or rural areas need to follow a systematic approach which can be within an organization or in a school. From kindergarten itself students are marked absent or present. This attendance is one of the common rule that acts as habit till the lifetime.

A poor attendance might mark as lack of interest or lethargic behaviour. And that’s why many of them suffer in the future. Attendance though plays an important role to organised things around but creates impact on child’s mindset.

Yes, you are right, even in the job there is a routine check of attendance. Employee is marked absent or present. In some of the organizations, employees are strictly forced to follow the schedules or else there might be a reduction of the amount in the pay check.

In schools, colleges and at university levels, students are required to follow a minimum attendance or else they are not allowed to sit for exams. Thought there might be certain differences but the mindset of these people remain the same.

So how does attendance affect our mindset? In the first ten years of schooling, students get attracted to the same routine. The memory of that habit automatically stores in the brain. Even if you take a wide gap of a year or two then too it doesn’t affect your old habits. The main reason behind this is our colleagues around and their similar mindset.

We accept a certain thing or even a myth when the society believes in it. Just take an example, when an employee joins a job, he or she expects a salary. You know that joining a job gives a fair amount of salary because the people around too are doing same.

Imagine if something like this happened where you need to work without any kind of salary, then what will you do? You know what, if everyone had followed this situation where a person has to work without salary, then you also might do the same thing. Your mindset might work like people around.

And that’s why it becomes more important to focus on what we really want. Half of the population works what their parents or their colleagues around are doing. This is because there is no vision at all. We don’t know what we are doing and what we actually want. We just earn money to fulfil our needs, to grab a handsome job and to have a family. If people around never thought about having a family, then you too might had done the same thing.

Changing that mindset is so important because the future is focusing more on creative ideas. When you have a good content where you can engage a large amount of audience, you can actually shift yourself from this routine.

2. Timing

If you understand this, then it will help you to choose better option. The normal timing for educational institutes is 9 to 5. For employees working in an organization too have the same the same working hours. That is at least seven hours from the routine is spent either at a workplace or in a lecture hall.

Though timeline seemed to be small, but it takes the main part from your routine. Most of the individuals don’t understand that this time is so crucial because a person, who earns fixed salary through a job might miss the opportunity of being productive. Whatever the major work that a person does is carried out between this timeline.

You might have the question that why do some people are so different considering with their lifestyles. Why middle class and poor class families don’t get the opportunity to enjoy their life?

Their lifestyles are not created in a day or in a week. We exactly see that those kind of celebrities or famous individuals have rich families. But what about the others who have achieved through hard work? Definitely, it’s not the answer because here too that specific mindset plays an important role.




It might sound weird or new but side hustle is also known as “PASSION”. Many of the job seekers never follow their passion. The routine starts from nine and end on five or more and after that it’s entertainment period with family or friends. “SIDE HUSTLE” is one of the most underestimated terms for employees because they feel it never pays off. Side hustle is a long time progress that can never be achieved without passion and consistency.

People fail because it doesn’t flourish within months or a year. For example, online content. Youtubers who earn through their channels are mostly the side hustlers. They too have their full time jobs but the rest of the time they use it for building their content or brand.

Side hustle looks easy because people think it consumes less amount of time. But no it is not like that at all. It depends upon the kind of work you are doing. No matter whatever you do but vision is important while building your platform. If you are looking only for job and family then there is nothing you can do. You will always feel like getting addicted to job and fulfilling the needs of yourself.

Side hustlers have passion for what they do. They don’t mind to spend more or less amount of time for a better tomorrow. Job seekers want a fix amount of time to work. They will make sure not a single minute is wasted at the workplace. This is because their mindset is built to work without any kind of vision.

Child’s grades might look important but at the same time their passion is more important. A job is required to stabilise financial condition. The main message of this article is side hustle is more important than just thinking about job and money. Side hustlers live for their passion and that’s why they are able to change their lifestyle. They make it possible because of their consistent hard work and determination. In reality for a normal human it might look impossible to do this but remember these rare ones live their dreams.

Grades will help a child to motivate further but imparting that forceful attitude will never help them to grow. Education matters a lot. There is power in education because it enables them to think. But at the same time there should be a way of learning. Understanding is what they require in order to take proper decisions and to make right judgements.

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