Why You Shouldn’t Blame China For Coronavirus Pandemic



Every adult human living on the planet today knows about Coronavirus. Scientists are racing against time to find an effective vaccine. As the cases are increasing, deaths too are increasing simultaneously. Since the origin of this deadly virus hasn’t been found out but many people believe that “CHINA” has been the epicenter for this current situation.

Tell me what will you do when there is a havoc causing around you? Absolutely you will protect yourself first. You will make sure that it doesn’t knock at your doorstep. Similarly this situation has been a great havoc for every individual around the world.

No one wants themselves to be infected by such kind of deadly disease. No one wants to pay hospital fees for special treatment. And already the hospitals are overloaded with patients, so there is hardly any chance to get a special treatment.

In order to protect ourselves, we make sure to follow guidelines from a genuine source. Educated ones will either procure the valuable knowledge from a doctor or at least from the internet such as World Health Organization (WHO). And then we follow their special instruction, do’s and don’ts.

Since coronavirus has been declared global pandemic, most of the nations are still under partial lockdown. Economy has really hit hard for various nations around the world. Most of the people are struggling because of being home quarantined for at least hundred days.

When such a deadly infection arises a lot of people focus on its origin. Origin gives an idea to specially focus on revolts and violence to blame that specific country and its population.

I am not supporting any country or trying to take its side, but I will make you think why this “blaming game” won’t give any successful results either for your mental health or for peace of your mind.

Recently, when China tried to infiltrate India’s border during this crisis, India’s population suddenly got enraged for such kind of behavior. Trying to invade borders in such a situation has caused individuals to feel doubts about this country and its population.

Some of them say it was done intentionally in which the virus was generated from a laboratory. And some people complain about the meat market and eating habits of Chinese people which caused this virus to spread.

Invading India’s border during the clash didn’t affect sentiments of Indians until soldiers were killed in the dispute. Let me clear this again that I am not supporting anyone. The clear definition of living peacefully has been one of the greatest thought for the individuals.

This coronavirus which already destructed financial stability of humans, and then such behavior from where the disease was originated will absolutely boil the blood of those victims. So when there is a conflict between countries, what will the nations do?

It will either lead to a war or the nation will try its best to untie its trading unit, and block the country from any kind of deals. And the similar situation has happened with India, where no one wants to continue this relation.

Of course for every country it’s the peace and the soldiers struggling on the borders, who are of utmost important. No one wants to lose both of them.

They are the backbone of the nation and the true warriors, who commit their life to protect their country. So when a country loses those real diamonds then ultimately the similar situation will arise.

India banned Chinese apps which were acquiring a potential value from its digital market. Coming towards the physical products most of the deals have been cancelled. Slowly and gradually the Indian Government wants to promote the products which are produced within the country’s boundary. This will help the nation to remain independent and to lead its growth.

But at such crucial stage of pandemic, creating hatred and violence won’t solve the problems at all. China is specially known for its population density and one of the largest superpower in the world.

When we talk about a country, people own freedom to elect their presidents and Government. People are important because they will at last select the Government which will provide a good amount of value.

In China this is totally opposite. The ruling Communists party holds a very strong power in the country. There are several issues regarding the Government, but a single person cannot change the system. If someone dares to speak against the Government then that person is said to be in trouble.

There are various stories which were not even officially announced by the media. In other countries where it is said that people own their rights, but in China a single Governments owns everything.

The Government decides what to do and not to do. A lady who wrote a diary about the Wuhan was criticized by its media and there were even the rumours about the threatening situations she had to face.

A doctor who first reported about the cases similar to SARS (later known as SARS CoV-2 also known as coronavirus) was criticized for spreading false news. So people living in China don’t actually own the freedom of expression. There is a certain kind of hindrance.

When we talk about a country, there are various parts which are divided further into sections. When there was clash between India and China, most of the Indians who were enraged were confused about who to blame.

Is that the Government or the Chinese people to hold responsible? Some of them even protested on the streets about banning Chinese goods. There were several violent acts because of such kind of behavior.

But if you think in depth, then it’s not the Chinese people or the culture that should be blame for such kind of acts. It’s the Government who ultimately takes those actions.

Humans are built in such a way that when their feelings are hurt, then they don’t think what is right or wrong. Depending on the emotions, they will try to act. There is no critical understanding about situations. When emotions come to play then it either leads to happiness or a brutal anger. There is nothing in between.

Talking about that situation when India banned Chinese apps like the TikTok which created influence over millions of people suddenly disappeared from the Indian digital market.

There were even certain claims that these apps shared private information to Chinese Government. It might be false or true, but there is nothing to create hatred against someone.

The Government might have done thinking about their own perspective or for their benefits, but supporting hatred against someone will never let us to live with peace. In this article I am not leading your way to any argument, but a common topic we call it as “MENTAL HEALTH”.

Work With Your Mind And Not With Emotions

Indians are creating actions against Chinese people in order to show them their worth. But remember that when there is violence then automatically it irritates our lives in some or other manner. The Golden Rule for good mental health is to avoid violence and to solve the matter peacefully.

If you take example of China, just like India there are classes of poor and rich people. In such a vast population, there are good as well as bad thinkers. In the right sense, every country works through this concept.

So we cannot say or blame the whole country to be listed as a corrupted one. There are poor citizens too who are affected by the huge amount of unhealthy politics. In India, politics has been a serious issue. But list a country free from such kind of influence by the higher class people.

As I have told you early that emotions of people nowadays have been under serious threat. Whenever there is a news like this then it majorly affects the mental health. Negative emotions starts arising and usually people don’t care of what others are going through. They only think is about “REVENGE” or talking about “TIT FOR TAT”.

One of the best way is to resolve issues peacefully and if not done then disconnect yourself from them. Thinking about “REPRISAL SHOULD HAPPEN” won’t change anything, but in turn it will affect ourselves and our mind.

It might even lead to further war. As you all know what a war can do. Mostly it affects the common people and ultimately it leads to destruction of the economy.




Talking about Mr Narendra Modi who is the prime minister of India did the similar thing. He doesn’t talk any non-sense shit or feed his mind with anger or hatred.

I adore his attitude because he is actually a peace minded person. Peace minded people absolutely have higher level of intelligence and can make perfect judgement and decisions.

When mind feels peace at first place, no one can actually harm you and decisions can be taken effectively. When China tried to enter India’s borders to show their dictatorship, he never thought of carrying a war where he could actually done it.

Instead he disconnected from any kind of deals with the country. He blocked the country for any kind of interactions. He even mentally disconnected his mind from those actions.

The main reason behind this is that if he had done it aggressively then actually it could have been the loss of both the nations. And that’s why he is said to be one of the calmest human. But in turn a lot of Indians criticized him for not promoting the heated situation into war.  

Instead of trying to act emotionally, we should also be aware about it’s serious consequences. I would say for a good mental health, disconnection from any kind of personal relations will lead to peace of mind.

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