Why You Shouldn’t Fear Of Loneliness


We humans are social animals and most importantly we love socialising with others since it kills our loneliness. We think it’s okay to talk to someone when we are lonely but we don’t care of how much we are putting our energy in stupid conversation. How many times you had a 100 percent worthy outcome from your conversation while choosing something for yourself?

Your friend will suggest you with some trendy products while your family might have completely different preference. Actually none of those opinions are perfect (not even yours). The main problem arises when we pull over opinions from everyone and stab our own. This is not right at all because at last you are going to blame others who had suggested you, right?

Loneliness doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to anyone at all. There’s absolutely no fear of being alone. Yet we think what others will think about us. Majority of problems like unfulfilled relationships, low job performance, financial problems, lack of attentiveness and taking out hand from our responsibilities arises due to socialising.

Trust me we live in a society where a person becomes a puppet of their own friend circle. He/she has to act according to what the trend says. If the trend says you have to wear ripped of jeans then we too will follow the trend. If the trend says we have to cheat with our partners, we too will follow that trend. And this is ultimately a chain reaction on a very large scale.

Even if we don’t feel like cheating but still we have to do it because all the orders have been created by the trend. So what’s the option left in front of you? There’s no other option left rather than running into loneliness. There are incredible benefits of being alone and avoiding social contacts. Actually when we socialise, people try to lend their stress on others so that they themselves can become stress-free.

Problems can never be solved by social interaction because each one of us have different personal problems. What works for someone might not work for others. Our mindset is shaped according to the ideology of the society. What humans think is that we are at benefit when we work in herd. That is only applicable when it is teamwork or a common goal.

You don’t have to work in herd and mess up with your personal problems. This is because it will worsen your problem and you will never be able to find solution to your problem. So to make an important decision you will have to spend time with yourself thinking about it and then only you will be able to succeed.



If this wasn’t true then each one of us would have been born flawless. Because of entertainment people are able to waste their crucial time in doing unhealthy things. The biggest entertaining source you can see nowadays are your own friends and all of your gossips. Actually it’s not at all called entertainment because we think about someone in such a way that we degrade our own respect.

Gossiping is one of the way which gives rise to assumptions about a person. And we tend to think in that way because we feel that it is truth. But in reality it never ever happens since these gossips only remain as our ugly thoughts. When we socialise we expect people to entertain and make us laugh. And that’s how we keep our relationships happy.

But this entertainment when exceeds beyond the limit, it hurts the other person deeply. Our thoughts then become aggressive and junk starts collecting inside our mind. You have a choice i.e. you have to choose between your mental health and unworthy entertainment. You cannot expect your mind to grow greens while having weeds. Yet people don’t understand and follow the vision of the society.

Loneliness is the only way you can protect yourself from social tension which humans try to put on each other. It’s a way towards mental and emotional fitness. Loneliness won’t help you to have clear vision but certainly it will protect you from taking quick decisions. Remember that you get to spend time with yourself and not with your friends who can deviate your decision or might even involve fear within you.

Yes at some point socialising is important like in order to remain updated and have the latest news in-hand. But don’t dare to drain your energy hoping for the person to love you back. It’s better to remain alone in silence with your own thoughts, mind, soul and the body rather than suffering in negative emotions of humans. So don’t fear of this loneliness. You will be able to find peace in yourself more than anyone else.

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