Why You Shouldn’t Make New Year’s Resolution

Ah! Here we are so close to start a new year with some worthy changes in the routine. You might feel the real warmth about the amount of changes you are going to create through resolution the next year. And that’s why you get ready with pen and paper to note down some important points which will be changing your life forever.

That excitement has no boundaries and you can’t even sit at one place because you are waiting for your Christmas gifts too. A fresh start is what everyone needs but very few of them are able to sustain it. Sustaining is different part but first being firm on your decisions is more important. Half of the people fail on the first day of starting resolution. Even you might be the case if you are reading this blog post.

So what is a new year’s resolution? Do you know the meaning of resolution? According to the English dictionary a resolution is said to be firm decision to do something. In the real sense it means being stubborn over a decision. You want something or you don’t want to do, it can be any case.

For example some people make a resolution in order to get rid of an addiction. It can be smoking or drinking alcohol. So before the New Year starts these people who are suffering through such addictions, note down this resolution on sticky notes and stick it on their worktable or on the refrigerator door where they can peak on it time to time.

And the ones who want to make some essential changes next year make resolutions in the similar manner. But have you ever though that for how many days such resolutions can be followed? Some people don’t even pass a single week because they don’t practise it.

Just saying or even writing such decisions on a piece of paper won’t be helping you for longer period of time. What happens is that we don’t follow a certain strategy. So many individuals who try to make this idea work fail on the first day itself. This is because they don’t apply long term strategies.

They only make decisions and leave it on the side. So do you think this is going to help you at all? Of course not, though New Year’s resolution has some importance in life. You might be thinking then why do people create New Year’s resolution.

Why do they only focus on a new year and not today or even few months back?  This is a major problem of lazy and lethargic individuals who think that a new year will change their life. Actually it is not the fresh start which is going to help you in the long term strategy.

People who settle for such decisions postpone it daily. For example, you might have experienced this. Suppose you have made a decision of getting up early in the morning to exercise. But the next day of the plan, you miss it since you have that bad habit of snoozing the alarm by tapping on its head when it rings. So that day doesn’t bother you much and you take it casually.

Whoa! The next day too, when you get up from your bed, you see the time and realise that you have missed it again. But still it doesn’t bother you and that is why you carry on the same routine again and again. You open up with the same amount of energy what you were experiencing before and every day feels like being a fresh start. But your actions postpone what you were actually aiming for.



One of the obvious reasons that New Year’s resolution never accomplish is because they never change their action plan. An action plan is a plan which is basically drafted to accomplish targets. Or we can even say that it is the way to proceed.

Just take an example, suppose you are given a task to penetrate a nail through a wooden plank. Your objective is that the nail should pass through the wooden plank which is placed on the wall. You don’t know what is behind it. The half side behind the wooden plank consists of iron rods and the other half is the plain wall (you are not told about this). You can hammer it anywhere but on the wooden plank itself.

So you choose a point at random and hammer it constantly. You don’t know there are iron rods behind or not. And for three hours continuously you keep hammering the nail. But it doesn’t pass. Six hours pass by and there comes a time where due to constant hammering the nail breaks up apart.

Suppose now your friend tries the same thing. He too hammers a new nail multiple times. And obviously due to the dense iron rods, it doesn’t penetrate at all. Now he tries to choose some other point on the same wooden plank. Now behind the plank is the real wall as explained above. So do you think will he be able to penetrate it within seconds?

Of course yes and after changing the point you might feel that you should have done this before. That was because you chose to concentrate on the same point no matter what happened. This is why a lot of people fail because they choose something which is impossible. Even if it looks impossible but they never change their plan of action.

Some people get to know this at a very early stage. While rest of them keep concentrating over something which is beyond their limit. A lot of people say that nothing is possible but when they realise it’s really impossible, they give up. We can also say that this differentiates successful people from failures.

If you opt for the same strategy again and again, you might even get tired and feel demotivated. So this will be your mentality and thought which you will share with others if you choose to remain stubborn. Though it is very important to remain firm on decisions but these kind of people also keep concentrating on something which they aren’t sure about it.

Yes, they remain stubborn on their plan of action too. Which is why they keep failing multiple times. Sometimes you can’t change someone’s perspective because their thought process way is too complex to understand. And afterwards they complain by spicing up some random stories.

At last it all depends on our mindset and strategies we choose. Very few are able to accomplish because half of the people get entangled in their illusion. A new year’s resolution can become successful only if you choose to change, or else you will keep hammering on impossible for the entire lifetime. It all depends on you.

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