Why You Shouldn’t Quit Your Job To Start A Business


How many times you have seen posts while scrolling through your social media feed encouraging people about quitting their jobs right now. We all know how discouraging it is to work under someone because of their shitty attitude and control over the position they are having. If you have a rude boss then you might not be even enjoying your job. There are so many people who get trapped in their own excitement because they feel they are suffocating.

The suffocation might be less or more but they are getting constant rewards in terms of money. What do inexperienced humans on job think is that they will get rich by doing someone else’s job. And when they realise how hard it is getting, they come across such posts in the form of videos which convinces them to quit their daily jobs. You can also observe that there are lot of advertisements going everywhere from newspaper to social media. Just think if they would have been rich then why are they revealing it to others about the method they are using?

There’s no method to become quick rich and even if it exists then it will only be there for a temporary period of time. What we call them as influencers, motivators have actually gained by branding and marketing. You might have heard this that top brands are actually cheap in quality than what we pay for.

Yes that’s absolutely true because there are other costs far more important than what they are selling. If you have a good brand name humans will buy anything from you. In the 21st century what’s going to be most important is brand itself. Even in the world of influencers, motivators, entrepreneurs there are only few people who have achieved what we call as success.

And the reasons behind them are so many like insufficient funds for marketing, operations, some of them get demotivated because they feel they are sucked in black hole. There’s no way to get out from this situation. Some people even find themselves in a great debt because their business fail within no time and they are not able to overcome it for years.

If you are consistent in delivering your service and can handle complaints peacefully then there’s no problem of continuing with it since it will reap benefits after years. We humans are always impatient because once we find something new we will take chance. And that chance will turn into loss. This is one of the major demotivation among people who need consistent rewards.

Like in life, there’s always some kind of uncertainty in businesses. There’s no fixed income or a stable income source. Still it’s a greatest wealth creator because it has ability to compound your income within few years. While if you remain as an employee on a job, people will scrutinize your entire work experience to make some decent income in your fifties and sixties.

It takes time to climb a ladder when there are people ahead you but what will happen if there’s no one ahead and you own the ladder. Definitely your path will become easy. That’s why we call it as business since there is more amount of freedom.



People who don’t think about future fail because they don’t create a vision. A person who never wants to do business will settle for a good job and then after some time he will get retired. A person who wants to do business will focus on it from start. It shouldn’t happen like someone is brushing your vision in middle of the journey.

You shouldn’t let anyone or greed to control your dreams. A person who wants to become CEO will become CEO and that’s absolutely okay since it is making him/her happy. A person who doesn’t feel comfortable with a daily job will still focus on his/her business. In this 21st Century money is so much important that it helps to fulfil every need.

And yes it is a need because we can buy our groceries, essentials, clothes etc. One shouldn’t take loan in order to start business since that will create another problem. When you take risks with your own money you are able to learn. You will get to know where you are going wrong. Don’t put yourself into debts because that will make your thinking go dull as it will create fear of clearing your debts.

If you want to gain experience in something you should put that much amount what you can really afford. We always keep complaining that why some of the ways are not working at all. Yes there are times when a concept is working best for someone but not for everyone else. They might have achieved it by their marketing skills, branding or by any mean. But that’s not always going to work for you even if you try to copy.

It is best said that work on your ideas and develop them into businesses. And this will only happen once you start keeping patience. Patience will automatically convert into more amount of learning and understanding. So keep calm and invest your time what you love. Don’t quit your income source in quick excitement.

Try to experiment with them first and slowly pull yourself out from your uncomfortable job. It will take time but it will surely help you a lot to get adjusted.

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